ABC Star Jenifer Lewis: Trump’s Re-Election Means Camps for Minorities


Trump Derangement Syndrome can be a horrible thing.

Funny but awful The guy broke people’s skulls.

Jenifer Lewis is the latest victim of the Trump Derangement Syndrome. She was known as Ruby in the ABC show “Blackish” and Mama Odie from Disney’s “The Princess and the Frog.”

Lewis, in a radio interview with SiriusXM “Mornings With Zerlina” on Thursday, was almost psychotic. He claimed that if Donald Trump were to be reelected he would, “take a Hammer and Break the Glass Where the Constitution Is, and tear it Up In Our Faces and Say, “Now I am the King of the f —— World.” You will bow to him, b ——‘ he will punish everyone who didn’t vote.

Biden doesn’t punish the people who were led to the Capitol on the 6th of January and probably induced by the feds to cause trouble. Or by monitoring and threatening everyone who voted for Trump? Or trying to stop Trump from returning to office by threatening him with fake charges and bogus laws?

She said that minorities will be placed in camps “because white people are afraid”. They are becoming a minority. “The world is brown.”

Lewis went on to say that white people would “do whatever they could to stay in these gated communities and not pay taxes and put those —— back in their place and get those wetbacks to leave this country.” “We own it, b —-.”

As a white man, I pay taxes even if they need to be filed here very soon. I also want to assure you that I don’t have any problem with people of all skin colors and I am working to bring my Latina spouse to live here. This will make me seem even worse to her.

Lewis dared, “You won’t win because love is a solution,” and then continued the sanity with a reference to slavery: We constructed this country free of charge while you raped in your barns. While you whipped us. And you have something to say?”

Please seek assistance.

I feel like it was only a couple of days ago that I wrote about the post-Biden’s campaign made on social media, selectively editing Trump’s recent comments in Michigan regarding illegal aliens killing Americans. He said, “Just a couple of weeks ago, I met the grieving families of Laken Riley…the 22-year-old nursing student from Georgia, who was brutally murdered by an animal illegal alien.” Democrats asked that you not call immigrants “animals.” I replied, “No, they aren’t humans, they are animals.”

It was only three days ago!

I’m all for Trump returning as president in November. But I don’t want to see more Trump Derangement Syndrome from Jenifer Lewis or those Kruiser usually covers in his column series. You can’t help worrying about someone who spent the last decade (or almost a decade) focusing all their paranoia and fear on a single person.

TDS could have a valid entry here in the DSMV soon.