American Academy of Pediatrics has been accused of using over-the-counter puberty-blocking drugs on transgender teens and abandoning non-drug therapy.

Daily Mail was informed this week by critics of the organization that it is blocking efforts to revise its policy regarding “gender-affirming treatment” for transgender teens. The group’s leadership conference begins in Chicago on Thursday.

Multiple doctors who spoke with the British outlet claimed that the AAP purposely drives children to drug cocktails and surgery, rather than more drastic treatments.

Stella O’Malley, a Genspect member, and psychotherapist stated that there are many other methods to address gender dysphoria.

O’Malley also stated that she believes children are often “fast-tracked into the nuclear option” of drugs or surgeries.

Erica Anderson is a transgender clinical psychologist and has helped hundreds of teenagers transition. However, Dr. Anderson believes in a qualified version of gender care but feels that the AAP is not keeping pace with the times. Children are bombarded with online messages telling them they are transgender when they have body issues.

Anderson stated, “This is persuasive for impressionable, insecure youth who are looking for answers.”

Five pediatricians proposed a resolution in March calling for a “rigorous review” of the 2018 AAP gender affirmation policy. They also warned that there are growing numbers of people who have gone through gender transitions and feel remorse.

Daily Mail reports that a recent procedural rule has meant that the resolution will not go to vote at the AAP meetings.

Aaron Kimberly, a mental health nurse, was medically discharged in 2006. She agrees with the AAP’s need for a policy review.

Kimberly stated that “the responsibility of our clinical governance bodies isn’t to engage in a culture or political war.” Kimberly spoke out for It must provide evidence-based information to us and evidence-based clinical practice.

The AAP insists that its guidelines are evidence-based and offer young people the best chance of avoiding suicide.

The group stated that there is a strong consensus among prominent medical organizations that evidence-based, gender-affirming care for transgender youths and adolescents is appropriate and necessary.

The July statement stated that the decision about whether or not to start gender-affirming therapy, which may not necessarily lead to surgery or hormone therapy, is a personal one. It involves careful considerations of risks, benefits, and other factors specific to each patient and their family. These are medical decisions made in consultation with patients, parents, doctors, therapists, and other members of the health care team. This involves repeated psychological and medical evaluations, with consent from the parents.

A new poll shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans believe that a person’s gender cannot change, a shift in attitudes towards transgender rights.

Pew Research Center released a new survey on Tuesday that revealed that 60% of adults believe gender is determined by one’s sex at birth. This is an increase of 4 percentage points over the 2017 survey, 56% in 2021, and 6 percentage points above 54% in 2017.