The Cold War victory by the United States and its allies in 1989 was thought to end what British historian Eric Hobsbawm called the “short century.” Today, however, the U.S. faces an increasingly assertive axis consisting of China, Russia, and Iran and their proxies. They are united in their aim to overturn American and free-world values, replacing them with a new world order, which Xi Jinping refers to as a “new global order.”

The geopolitical issues of today are rooted in a struggle over ideologies – the values and norms that have defined the United States as a nation. For the free world at large, the ideals of global governance are at stake, which have upheld, however imperfectly the sovereignty of nations and the dignity of individuals.

It is important to recognize this. Much is said about the need to revitalize and rebuild the U.S. defense industrial base. China is 200 times faster than the U.S. in naval shipbuilding. The shipyards required to maintain and build fleets are not available. A large part of our current fleet needs repairs, and another 19 vessels will be decommissioned by the end of next year. This is the result of decades of deindustrialization.

Iran, on the other hand, has enough weapons-grade uranium now to produce nine nuclear bombs in a month. It may very well declare its nuclear status before the end of the year.

China is also expanding its arsenal of nuclear weapons at a pace unmatched by other nations. It seems to be on course to accumulate 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, up by 200 from 2019. Beijing is building up its arsenal faster than the United States, despite it being far below America’s 3,000-plus warhead stockpile.

There’s also the issue of recruitment. The U.S. military missed its target of 41,000 recruits last year.

It is urgent that we strengthen our defenses, and restore deterrence. But it is also important to be clear about exactly what we are defending.

China, Russia, Iran, and their unwitting ally have been attacking this “what”, the core values and norms that define our nation, for decades. To subvert an enemy, you must destroy their culture and values. This will leave them rudderless. If outright destruction of a culture is not possible, then the goal is to confuse the meaning in the public’s mind until the society unravels or aligns itself with the aggressor.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) invested $17 million between 2013 and 2020 in 143 school districts in 34 U.S. States to finance Confucius Classrooms where elementary students learn Chinese alongside Party-approved history and culture lessons.

Linda Sun was a former deputy chief of staff for New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Hochul is planted, not only to gather intelligence but also to promote CCP-friendly narratives about issues like diversity, equity, and inclusion that undermine the foundational values such as faith, family, and opportunity.

Iran has also intensified its disinformation against U.S. Iranians, including agents tied to the Revolutionary Guard Corps. These agents have infiltrated our colleges and are fueling anti-Israel demonstrations. They have successfully misled many Americans to believe that Hamas is a terrorist organization responsible for thousands of deaths and hostage-taking. In its support for Israel, the defacto victim, the U.S. is painted as an aggressive aggressor. The American identity is also portrayed as a source of shame.

It is said that we are a nation of racists with a tawdry past, which discredits all progress since. Our democracy is a fraud.

Allies in the Global South are also told the same thing. Beijing claims that the “American Democracy is full of holes”, claiming that “serious damage has been done by imposing American Democracy on others.” Many might agree.

We are left with a growing sense of insecurity about our national identity and a feeling of isolation and disrespect abroad. This is a problem that cannot be solved by navy ships, nukes, weapons, or even soldiers. These are all tools used to serve a larger purpose. We are in danger of losing sight of that purpose, of forgetting what makes us Americans unique and our culture and values.

We must safeguard and preserve our nation’s essence, which is at the heart of all our efforts, as we work to increase our military capabilities. It is important to take cognitive warfare seriously by preventing it at home, and also by promoting U.S. messages abroad. It involves removing opposing curricula and teaching American History and Civics to our kids. It means restoring family and faith.

China, Iran, and Russia do not doubt their national identity and political goals, as well as their collective and individual goals. A resolute, well-armed authoritarian axis is the danger. It will confront a flailing America. The stakes are high and action is needed immediately.