Biden to Pay $6 Billion for Release of American Hostages in Iran


According to reports, the Iranian terrorist regime sold back five U.S. Citizens in exchange for Iranian nationals that violated U.S. Sanctions and $6 billion cash.

The New York Times reported that the deal had been in the works for two years. We shouldn’t consider any agreement with Iran as done until the Americans return to U.S. territory.

Jared Genser said that the move by Iran to place the American hostages under house arrest from Evin Prison is a significant development.

Namazi, Emad Sharghi, and Morad Thabaz will all be transferred to a hotel in Tehran. They were all imprisoned for unsubstantiated spies charges. Two other Americans have asked that their names remain secret. One of the Americans who have not been named is a scientist and the other one is a businessman.

The Americans will remain under guard at the hotel for “several” weeks, while the Iranians if the past is any indication, will attempt to extract further concessions from Biden.

Genser stated in a press release that “while I hope this is the first step towards their ultimate freedom, it’s at best just the beginning and nothing more.” “But there is no guarantee about what will happen next.”

Joe might offer Hunter to Iran. He has international bribery contacts.

According to people familiar with the agreement, the United States will transfer $6 billion in assets from Iran to South Korea into a central bank account in Qatar. According to people familiar with the deal, the account will be regulated by the Qatari government and controlled so that Iran can only use the money to pay for humanitarian purchases like medicine and food.

Qatar, Iran’s sole Middle East friend, will be responsible for ensuring that Tehran uses the ransom money only to purchase “humanitarian goods”.

Why do I not feel comforted?


The release of Americans from prison is just the beginning of a long process, which could take weeks. Due to U.S. sanctions, the funds in South Korea that are to be unfrozen will need to be converted to different currencies requested by Iran. This could take weeks.

In exchange, an undetermined number of Iranians who are currently detained in the United States would be transferred to Iran. It was not clear when that would happen.

Even if only food and medicines are purchased, the remaining Iranian funds can be used for anything.

I’m happy that the Americans have combined home. Evin Prison is a hellhole and no one should be held there. Why isn’t Biden applying pressure on the civilized world in order to get the barbarians of Tehran to stop stealing hostages?

Thomas Jefferson was right. Gunboat diplomacy.