Joe Biden has been running more at various campaign events in the last couple of months.
They are trying to change Biden’s polling numbers.
Biden has been in a mess, saying all sorts of ridiculous things. He said he was the vice president at the time of the pandemic, and that he had met the mayor of Detroit during this period to assist him. But, he wasn’t vice president. White House scrambled to explain and said he meant “recession”, but nobody bought that explanation. In the first four months of 2024, they had to correct 148 transcripts due to Biden’s mistakes.
Does it have any effect at all? They didn’t get the desired effect.
A Reuters/Ipsos survey showed that U.S. President Joe Biden’s approval rating fell this month to its lowest level for almost two years. This is a warning sign about his reelection campaign.
In the four-day survey, which ended on Monday, only 36% of Americans approved of Biden’s performance as president. This is down from 38% back in April. This was the lowest rating for his presidency since July 2022.
Trump was rated higher on the top issue, the economy, by 10 points. That’s 40 to 30%. He also scored higher in the categories of immigration (42 to 25%) and foreign policy (36% to 29%).
Even CNN’s Chris Cillizza admitted that Biden’s numbers just weren’t getting any better.
This poll is part of a broader trend. Biden’s numbers are just not getting statistically better.
— Chris Cillizza (@ChrisCillizza) May 21, 2024
As these numbers demonstrate, the trend is only downwards. The needle is moving, but it’s moving down. Not only do they have to worry over battleground states but also about states like Minnesota, Virginia, and even New Hampshire, which were not even expected to be on the ballot. He’s also losing support with the extreme left because of the Gaza war.
Joe Biden’s approval has dropped even further since he was made public. They realize that he’s a bad guy and they don’t want him when they see him more. Please, continue to use this tactic. It seems to work well for Trump.
It’s probably best to just say: How many are there? Not a lot. Can you feel it?
The scene from Nashua, NH awaiting @JoeBiden arrival.@nhgop @nhdems
— NH Journal (@NewHampJournal) May 21, 2024