Biden’s Big Bucks: Pakistani Official Unveiled as Top Donor – What’s the Payback?


Have you heard of Tahir Jhaved?

He was also a Pakistani official. I didn’t know that. Front Page’s Daniel Greenfield provides the details.

Biden released his list of ‘bundlers,’ the large money donors who supported his 2020 campaign. David Horowitz Freedom Center’s investigative arm conducted some last-minute sleuthing to find interesting names.

One of them, ‘Muhammad Tahir Javed’, was a Biden surrogate and future Pakistani Cabinet member. He also served as the Democratic National Committee’s deputy finance chair.

Javed boasted that he “raised more than $2M for Biden Harris’ transition team”, and “recruited over 30+ donors” to the general campaign and transition team, “four of whom along with myself… were recognized as having raised over $100,000 personally.” The donors are likely to be attributed to Javed’s involvement in various Islamic groups and Pakistani organizations operating within America.

You got it? Operating within America Javed’s interest:

Javed announced the Congressional Pakistan Caucus Foundation at an event that included Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (who later was caught with relations with a Chinese Communist Spy) and Rep. Henry Cuellar, who is currently indicted on bribery charges. The hope was that 37 other members of Congress will also join a Pakistani caucus. Javed donated $15,000 to Jackson Lee and $9,000 each to Swalwell, Cuellar and Swalwell.

Wait! There’s more!

Imran Khan, Pakistani Prime Minster, who had called Osama Bin Laden a “martyr”, said, “Tahir Jhaved was instrumental in setting up a Pakistan Congress Foundation which has played a crucial role in the revival and activation Congressional Pakistan Caucus in the 116th Congress”.

Does this guy seem to have America’s interests in mind?

Take Joe Biden, and his family, for example, as they have made other… arrangements with representatives of other nations. Hunter, the “First Son”, has dealt with Ukraine and China. This alone is enough to make you wonder what Pakistan gets in return for its generous contributions.

There are more than just Biden’s involved in Pakistan.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Tom Suozzi and Rep. Javed visited Pakistan in the year 2022. They met with officials from the Islamic terror state. But it was Rep. Ilhan’s visit during which she endorsed the claim of Kashmir to Indian territory and met Al Qaeda allies who brought Javed to Javed’s attention.

Pakistan is not a friendly nation to the United States, despite its protestations. According to the CIA it is home to a number of Islamic terrorist groups. As we’ve seen, Imran Khan has also praised Osama Bin Laden and Javed.

Unfortunately, these types of donations from foreign interests are not rare. Joe Biden’s history and the history of his parents makes it impossible to ignore the “bundler”, his connection with Pakistan, and to not wonder what might have been offered in return.