The Pulitzer Prize Board announced Monday that it would continue to give Washington Post and New York Times awards for reporting about the Russia, Russia, or Russia hoax.

The Pulitzer Board statement reads: “The Pulitzer Board was contacted by The New York Times and The Washington Post regarding Russian interference in U.S. election elections and its connection with Trump campaign-submissions that jointly won the 2018 National Reporting Prize. ”

“These inquires prompted Pulitzer Board t to commission 2 independent reviews work submitted by these organisations to our National Reporting contest,” said the board before announcing that established media outlets would retain their prizes.

“The board stated that the separate reviews reached the same conclusion: no paragraphs or headlines in any of the winning submissions were discredited because of facts that emerged after the conferrals of prizes. ”

Twenty articles were subject to formal complaints. This is the title of the disputed articles:

FBI to Pay Trump Document Author (WaPo).
Trump divulges secret intelligence to Russians (WaPo).
Trump’s father wrote a statement regarding Russian contact (WaPo).
Trump’s son heard of Moscow link before meeting (NYT).
Emails reveal Trump Son’s Glee at Russian Offer (NYT).
Russian Meddling inquiry Propelled By Unusual Source (NYT).
Undisclosed On Forms, Kushner Met 2 Russians (NYT)

Democrats and the establishment media claimed that Donald Trump conspired to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. These claims were denied by the establishment media and Democrats.