Squatters plague many communities. In some states like California, squatters have “rights” which make it difficult to remove them from private property. They effectively turn your home into their own.

It’s a huge problem in blue states but the people have their tools. Some businesses have emerged to drive squatters from their homes by circumventing some of the laws intended to protect them.

One property owner did not hire a company, but called her brother who is a streamer known as “Asian Andy.” Andy’s treatment of this woman was nothing less than pure psychological torture. He turned it into entertaining content that you can now watch.

Before we begin, let’s learn a little about the squatter.

The reports on the woman called “Mary” contain a lot of horrific details. Andy says Mary is a notorious squatter in California. She uses Airbnb and other services to move into homes but then doesn’t leave. She will squat under California law and never leave. She is also a racist.

Andy’s Google Drive file contains information about Mary and how horrible she is.

Andy, who was the final piece of this puzzle, looked into her background and found out that she was a former patient of a mental hospital who harassed property owners and renters. She even goes so far as calling CPS to report people who are rude to her in an attempt to have their children removed. She wastes a lot of time and money dragging people through frivolous litigation.

Mary is a cruel, unusual person. The things Andy does to her would be cruel in any other situation. In this case, however, it is a pleasure to watch.

Mary is seen squatting in a house, demonstrating her power to make the owner do what she wants, and the police are helpless to stop her. You can tell early on that the California police have had enough of Mary. They’ve dealt with her for a very long time. This fact will be important later.

Andy is called after Mary injures the foot of Vince the owner of the house. Andy moves into the house and begins streaming. The chaos starts immediately. Mary hears loud music, banging noises, and Andy’s chat. Andy uses programs to play his music through the speakers and artificial voices.

Mary’s frustration is evident in the second video. She has locked herself into the room where she is squatting while Andy’s chat continues the chaos. He turns it into a silent contest to see who has the worst mental illness. Andy may not have any mental illnesses that I can see but he makes up a lot of them to try to beat her.

Andy also smokes marijuana while streaming, which is akin to hot boxing. Mary throws bleach all over the floor of the living room. Andy, however, takes a broom to push the bleach under the door. Andy’s chat at one point learns to create AI-generated songs that mock and insult Mary.

Mary calls the police multiple times and they always side with Andy.

This is the second part of the four-part series.

These videos contain language and drug usage.

Mary is fed up by the third video, but she still refuses to go. Andy continues to psychologically attack Mary, even if his stream and revenue are increasing. He gets up at 6 am to sing karaoke. Mary responds by dumping oil on the floor in the hallway. She is likely hoping Andy will fall. But he sweeps it back into Mary’s room, knocking on the door as he does.

Andy also revealed text messages sent to members of his family, threatening them with physical violence if they approached her door in “self-defense.” She called the Vietnamese family ‘uncivilized, rat-eating scum.’

Andy visits her social media profile and sees that she is an “SJW” who “hates white people.” He then begins to call her “white,” making her angry. Mary finally calls the police again. The police inform her that they will write a citation if they need to come back down because Andy is causing a civil dispute.

Andy called in Justin Carrey to take the chaos up a notch. Carrey is driving Mary into near insanity while Andy leaves the house. She eventually flees. Carrey continues to humiliate and harass her in public until Mary finally turns and spits at him.

They then enter Mary’s bedroom, where they were previously forbidden to go and find that Mary is disgusting. She is a pig and has broken the TV in her room for no apparent reason.

Andy points out that this is not just a victory for Andy and his own family but also for all of the families Mary has ever wronged or taken advantage of.

Squatters shouldn’t be allowed in America. They are a violation of private property rights and a sign that the government does not respect your property. It’s good to see that one of America’s worst squatters is getting a taste of their own medicine.