The media and the Democrat elite are trying to create excitement about Kamala.

They want you to think that everyone supports her. There’s no doubt she has a slight boost because she is marginally more alive than Joe Biden. She’s still in a honeymoon phase with the media, trying to portray her as someone other than a flawed candidate who has a lot of negatives. She is a bad speaker, has no accomplishments, and has many failures on the issues she was supposed to handle, such as the border. Republicans should focus on her failures and things that make a candidate unpopular.

Some Democrats do not agree. They are unhappy with the treatment of Joe Biden. Some believe it was undemocratic. Some people don’t like Kamala or think she will lose. She did not receive a single vote in the primary for this position. She was named the nominee, and Biden’s delegate list was handed to her on a plate.

There’s not much to decide on at the Democratic National Convention. Or is it?

The Democrats X Account posted a picture with Kamala to try and drum up excitement for the convention. It said that it was only 15 more days until the event. They asked, “Who is excited?” I don’t believe anyone is. What do you notice immediately?

Many people were talking about how she was selected and not elected. They wondered if there would be another surprise. It’s funny when they are supposed to get everyone on board with Kamala but instead, they make people think of Michelle Obama. Has Kamala changed her name, or does she identify as Obama in an attempt to boost her chances?

Was the account unaware of the problem, or did they not consider the possible reactions? Or are they trying to poke fun at Harris in a malicious way? One has to ask at this point.

I had written a previous story on a collection they made of Republican “praise”. It was funny because it wasn’t “praise” and the flatness of it again led people to think there weren’t many praises for Kamala if they only had this.

The photo of Kamala holding the “Michelle” signs appears to have been taken at the DNC 2008, during Michelle Obama’s address. Was someone trying to make an argument by choosing this picture, when there are so many other photos of Harris that they could have chosen?

Many people had questions.

While researching the origins of the photo, I came across this interview with Harris from the convention. Her fakery goes back many years, at least to when she was San Francisco’s District Attorney. Look at the pasted-on smile. The majority of her words are predictable gobbledegook. The funniest thing is when she started talking about democracy, given the situation with the nomination.

She defines democracy as “a fair process” that “allows all to be heard.”

The Democrat elite may not be able to hold on to control if more than 14,000,000 people are in their way. In that case, those votes will have no place in the trash. So much for the democratic process and “everyone is heard”.