Elon Musk’s Bold Statement on Election Integrity Opponents: Have You Heard?


Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House at that time, introduced legislation in May to ensure only American citizens could vote. Joe Biden’s policy of allowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country has led to a high risk that they could influence our election. This type of legislation is essential.

Johnson pushed for the bill ahead of the Independence Day recess, with a thread that explained what the legislation did to ensure only U.S. Citizens vote.

Many leftists oppose this bill, claiming it’s not necessary because it’s already illegal to vote as a non-U.S. citizen. Johnson addressed this issue when he presented the bill earlier this year.

Some have indeed said that voting in federal elections is already illegal for non-citizens. Speaker Johnson stated in May that there are four true and other things. (1) Speaker Johnson said in May that “there is no way to verify that those who register or vote are citizens. (2) Biden welcomed millions and millions of illegal aliens including agents of antagonistic governments and sophisticated criminal networks into our borders, and even on humanitarian parole. (3) Localities are blurring lines by allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. (4) Democrats have expressed their desire to convert noncitizens to voters.”

What does this bill do? Johnson explained on X/Twitter in a thread that the bill requires state election officials to verify citizenship before supplying voter registration forms. It also mandates proof of citizenship for registration for federal elections and accepts different documents to make the registration process easier for citizens. The legislation also allows states to access federal databases to remove noncitizens and confirm citizenship for those who lack proof. It also directs DHS to consider removal procedures for noncitizens who are registered to vote and makes sure naturalized citizens know their voting rights.

Who would oppose such a commonsense bill to protect our election? Who else but the Democrats?

Elon Musk responded to Johnson’s post on X by reposting it. He called those who opposed it “TRAITORS” and asked rhetorically what punishment treason would receive.

According to 18 U.S. Code SS2381, the punishment for treason is death or a minimum five-year prison sentence. They will also be fined a minimum of $10,000 and become ineligible for office in the United States.

I don’t mind if Democrats who are against election integrity are barred from office. What about you?