A Supreme Court leak case is being investigated by Marshal Supreme Court Police. An ex-SCOTUS legal clerk believes the unprecedented leakage of the draft opinion will be a major setback for the Left.

Mike Davis is a former Clerk of Justice Neil Gorsuch and a former Senate Judiciary Committee attorney. He claims that the obstructionist move to stop justice from happening is unlikely to end in the way the Leftist leaker thinks.

Washington D.C. and the U.S. are being invaded by the usual rental mobs that love abortion. Senators threaten to sue the justices over the draft ruling to force the Supreme Court majority to reconsider their decision and/or to help them in the midterm election.

Politico illegally obtained Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion. Alito stated that Roe was wrong and “egregiously inaccurate from the beginning.” Roe and Casey didn’t bring about a national settlement on abortion. They have only provoked debate and deepened division. [emphasis added]

Davis is now a member of the Article III Project and told me on KTTH Radio that the leak was “shocking,” embarrassing, shameful, probably illegal, and most likely illegal. We are currently investigating whether obstruction of justice charges will be brought against the person responsible.

He says that the damage is already done. They explode in front of the Supreme Court. You can clearly see what you should preserve at that point.

Davis claimed that they have done the most damage.

According to Davis, this is the way forward. “I believe that the court should immediately issue an opinion reversing Roe & Casey even though it is per curium. This would be the best way to show the world that the Supreme Court is inimical to manipulation.

He stated that they had done it before to ensure the independence and legitimacy of the Supreme Court. It was now time to rebuild them.

He believes this is the only way to make sure that you are speaking up for Constitutional rights and expressing your opinion.