House Panel Exposes Shocking Organ Harvesting of Aborted Babies


A recent congressional hearing highlighted the illegal trafficking of aborted baby body parts.

Abortion, the brutal and painful killing of unborn babies, is bad enough. It is even more shocking that some Americans make money from the trafficking of dead babies. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-GA, hosted a House Panel Tuesday to shed light on the corrupt and shady nature of this business.

Panelists from all sides of the political spectrum were pro-life. David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress and Terrisa Boukovinac of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising both gave testimony. Bukovinac called out the government’s persecution of prolifers (especially under the Biden administration), while Daleiden was legally prosecuted for exposing Planned Parenthood body parts trafficking.

Daleiden, Bukovinac, and others testified at this week’s hearing that Planned Parenthood (and other abortion “clinics”) sell the organs of aborted children and other body parts on a “lucrative black market” for biomaterials. Daleiden called upon Congress to investigate baby organ harvesting by the abortion industry. CNA’s report:

Greene said during the panel that abortion is a business with little or no oversight from the federal government. This allows it to engage in illegal activity.

Daleiden said that his undercover investigation has revealed a network that partners with Planned Parenthood, and other abortion providers, to obtain baby parts for experiments and other purposes. Daleiden also claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris is involved in the “cover-up”, of the abortion industry’s organ harvesting plan. He cited her actions as Attorney General of California.

Daleiden highlighted his undercover investigative experiences. He said, “I met with Planned Parenthood’s top abortion providers in their extravagant commercial abortion trade shows sponsored and funded by companies that buy baby parts.” In one of his videos, he showed, for example, a Planned Parenthood official estimating a profit of $250,000 from merely one biotech firm, now called CGT Global. The University of Pittsburgh, the University of California, and Planned Parenthood were also paid for baby parts. This included an experiment where lab rats were grafted with baby scalps.

Kamala Harris, the California AG, ordered a raid on Daleiden’s apartment to seize Daleiden’s footage. He was fined heavily, prosecuted, and prevented from releasing most of the footage.

CNA reported that the National Institutes of Health spends $108 millions annually on “fetal experiments”, including the rat test. Your tax dollars are at work. Rep. Chip Roy, R-TX suggested that fetal experiments should be removed from the NIH’s budget. This would be a great start in addressing this horrific trafficking.

During the panel, pro-life activist Bukovinac demonstrated members of her organization finding a dead third-trimester baby boy in a plastic container in March 2022. Bukovinac stated that the baby was 33 weeks of age based on his level of development. She stated that because the body of the baby was mostly intact, he likely died after being born alive.

Under the Biden administration, pro-lifers were prosecuted for protesting at a clinic where many babies were murdered after they were born alive.

The Founding Fathers were against abortion because they knew that unborn children are unique humans. Unborn babies, on the other hand, are commodities for radical leftists. Democrats take pride in the brutal murder, dismemberment, and sale of unborn children for their gain. America has become a morally ill nation.