Some people need a read-only Internet. Rep. Ilhan Omar is among those people.

Ilhan Omar, a representative from Minnesota (D), tweeted some lovely wishes for those who are honored on Memorial Day. The tweet was removed, but you can still view it below. It read:

On #MemorialDay, we honor the heroic men and women who served our country.

We owe them more than our gratitude – they have more than earned access to quality mental health services, job opportunities, housing assistance, and the benefits they were promised.

The problem is, of course, that dead people do not need these benefits.

The damage had already been done. This is a scandal. This person is an elected official.

The legacy of our nation is tarnished by officials who publicly criticize our country while claiming allegiance to a different country. She could at least sit out this holiday and let us honor our patriots without any interruptions. We don’t really want to hear about her disingenuous comments today, since she has already made it clear how important her country is to her. We expected that she would at least know who we are honoring. Does Congress have an entry-level test?

This is another blow to Americans, who are baffled as to how someone so anti American could be elected or reelected.

It’s not the first time that she has spoken out of her pocket and revealed what she really thinks. She mocked a choir of Christians who were singing Easter songs.

Almost everyone on the video is smiling and happy. Ilhan was the only one who seemed unhappy. Christianity is an integral part of the history of our country and cannot be removed. She is welcome to go back to Somalia if she feels so strongly about our culture and heritage. She has no business as a representative of the United States of America.

Omar and the Squad are known for using their platforms to further their own agendas. America must be on their guard. Their true colors were most recently revealed in the Israel-Gaza Conflict. Rashida Tlaib, Omar’s close friend, funneled thousands of dollars towards a terrorist group that was against one of America’s closest allies.

The relationship between Israel and the United States is similar to a brotherhood. They may disagree but they stay together. Even in difficult times, they put each other before themselves. It is only if an outsider breaks the bond. As long as Christianity is around, the ties between Christianity and Holy Land will last. Since the founding of our nation in 1948, ties have existed between Israel and us. They should continue to exist forever. Ilhan Omar and her friends should have checked a few facts before choosing which country she would settle in and then run for office. Here is who we really are. As a nation, we should be able to have enough respect for ourselves to refuse to allow anyone to try to change our fundamentals. We must be smart. If not, we will soon find ourselves in a worse situation. We must fight to ensure the future of our nation.

What does it mean for you to be American? Patriots who have lost family members know how much it costs. Rep. Omar reaps the benefits of these heroes, living in a society where she can spit at everything they stand up for.