The holiday season is a particularly difficult time for those experiencing grief. It could be a recent loss or one that was several years ago. I lost my grandmother six years ago, and I still feel the void around the Holidays. That’s why this story is particularly poignant and powerful. A gifted NBA player reached out to his high school coach who recently lost his wife, and ensured that he would not be alone in his grief.

Grab some Kleenex.

Mitchell Robinson, the New York Knicks center, has adopted Butch Stockton as his roommate, while Stockton mourns his wife Dawn Stockton. The story of Robinson’s and Stockton’s relationship was told on Thursday night before the Knicks beat the Detroit Pistons 118-112.

Robinson’s love and respect for Stockton, his former coach, is a testament to his character. Stockton, however, was much more than a coach. Stockton, his wife Dawn, and their children were like family to him. Stockton and his wife Dawn recognized Robinson’s potential and wanted to protect and nurture it. It’s an incredible gift to give and to receive. Robinson understood this and reciprocated the embrace when they most needed it. Robinson was at Dawn Stockton’s bedside daily when she became sick. Robinson understood the pain Coach Stockton felt after the death of Dawn, who had been with him for 31 years. Robinson invited Stockton, who lived in Louisiana, to come and live with him in New York.


Stockton lost his wife, after 31 years of marriage, to cancer last September. Robinson did not want his former coach to grieve alone, so he invited Stockton and planned to host him throughout the 2023-24 season. Stockton and Robinson bond over movies, while Stockton looks after Robinson’s dog.

It is obvious that Coach Stockton, and Robinson have a deep connection. This bond transcends age, generational barriers, and yes, race. What is that expression? Love sees no color.

“He said, ‘Coach there’s no reason for you to stay in Louisiana anymore. You come to New York with me and enjoy yourself,'” Stockton told MSG Network. “Get your mind back straight because you know how much you loved your wife. I loved your wife.”

Robinson told reporters Thursday night, “He is a wonderful guy. He helped me get where I am.” “… It’s all good. I can help him as he has helped me. … He was always there for me.

Robinson is a young person who hasn’t forgotten his roots and those who have been instrumental in his success. This humanitarian act of love and kindness is a powerful antidote for all the WOKE nonsense usually heard in sports and entertainment circles.