Legalized Press-titution: Media’s Shameless Fangirl Obsession with Kamala Reaches New Heights


This article was not written out of surprise but rather awe of the audacity. We all knew that the media was going to be behind Kamala Harris from the moment she was named the new leader of the Democratic ticket, but we’ve seen them stand on the gas and hit the nitrous pedal the second the starter tree light turned green.

JD Vance’s record and history of being against Trump were immediately criticized by the media when he was named as Donald Trump’s Vice President. In the last Lie Able Sources Podcast, I said that Rachel Maddow had suggested Vance name the company after a character in “Lord Of The Rings,” which was a sign of white supremacy. I awaited the lack of critical approaches toward Kamala Harris. It was before she became Joe Biden’s successor. Since her ascendancy, she has been treated with kindness and the media has gushed praises for the woman.

It is utter garbage to claim that Kamala Harris has already been “vetted”. Harris’s presidential bid in 2020 was a failure. She received zero delegates and polled in the fourth position in California. Tulsi Gabrield effectively smacked Harris on the backside during the debates.

What about Harris’ performance during her tenure as Vice President? Her CV is a list of failures, as I reported recently. The collective media has attempted a pathetic, laughable spin this week. Recognizing the Biden-Harris Immigration record disaster, they have tried to claim that Harris never was anointed the Border Czar. The media tries to say that Republicans are responsible for this “fable,” but they have reported on the fact that she took full responsibility for the border at the time. Here are the media outlets who debunk themselves.

However, these are merely policy examples. The press is awestruck by Harris, the K-Hive, and her social media efforts. The Atlantic published a comprehensive breakdown of Kammy’s meme-ability, less than a day after it was announced that she would replace President Silveralert. Taylor Lorenz, a reliable Washington Post reporter (more about this later), had previously detailed Harris’ social media machine.

Harris has adopted an approach to win over the younger generation. She adopted the BRAT persona in a reference to British singer CharliXCX. Max Tani praised Kamala for being “digitally savvy” on Sunday night, they rebranded the ratio-prone Biden-HQ Xitter to “Kamala HQ,” using the chartreuse color of CharliXCX. Max Tani praised Kamala as “digitally savvy” based on little more than Sunday night they merely rebranded the ratio-prone Biden-HQ Xitter account to “Kamala-HQ,” with the chartreuse coloring of CharliXCX.

It may be hard to find a publication more in favor of Kamala Harris than The Washington Post. The Washington Post’s archive is filled with coverage of the newly-appointed party leader.

I stopped counting when I reached more than twenty-two features about the woman. Of those, only one could be considered critical, since it discussed her gaffe-prone past. We have 25, maybe 25 pieces of warm coverage – and that’s just Sunday’s announcement.

Prepare yourself for this level of press posturing over the next few months. The media complex, which was exposed for being a hackery machine when Biden collapsed on camera during the debate, has not learned anything from its remora-like attachment to this administration. We are looking forward to seeing more examples of the journalistic superiors’ shot-glass-deep intelligence.