Missouri and Louisiana Attorney Generals filed lawsuits against President Joe Biden over allegedly conspiring with large tech social media companies to censor conservatives in the name of fighting “misinformation.”
Biden is named as a defendant along with top administration officials like Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Nina Jankowicz, Disinformation Governance Board director, are also included in the lawsuit.
Jeff Landry, the Louisiana Attorney General, stated that top social media companies had “become an extension to Biden’s Big Government” and accused Biden using tactics “from Stalin and his ilk.”
Biden’s Big Government has made Big Tech an extension of Biden’s Big Tech. They are not protecting freedoms for Americans, but rather suppress truth and demonize those who disagree. Biden, ripped from Stalin’s playbook and his ilk has been working with Big Tech to suppress free speech and promote the masses. We are fighting back to protect the rule of law, stop the government from unconstitutional banning and chilling speech, and to prevent the government stifling it.
Biden’s 86-page complaint claims that Biden and his government violated the First Amendment right of Americans to free speech by conspiring with large tech companies to censor speech.
Further, it is alleged that defendants have threatened and coerced social media platforms to remove disfavored viewpoints and speakers by using threats of negative government action. As further alleged herein, defendants are now directly collaborating with social media platforms to censor disfavored speakers. These actions are against the First Amendment.
As examples of the alleged collusion, the lawsuit cites big tech’s censorship on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Most notable, social media platforms aggressively blocked a New York Post expose on October 14, 2020 about Hunter Biden’s laptop. It had been left in a Delaware repair shop. The contents included compromising photos as well as email communications regarding corrupt foreign business deals.
Fauci was called out by the two attorneys general for orchestrating a campaign to discredit the laboratory-leak hypothesis in 2020 and communicating with Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, “regarding suppression of disfavored speakers” and speech content on social media.
Two videos that were uploaded by Florida Governors were also censored on Youtube. Ron DeSantis (R), and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, (R), questioned the effectiveness cloth masks in dealing with the coronavirus epidemic.
In addition, the lawsuit alleged that big tech censored Former President Donald Trump’s posts regarding election integrity and mail in ballots during the run-up to the 2020 presidential elections. According to the complaint:
Social-media platforms severely censored core political speech of then-President Trump, and raised concerns about security of voting by post in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election. Ironically, this censorship is ironic since, many years prior to 2020, it was a popular left-wing talking point that claimed fraud in voting by post.
According to the lawsuit, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris wrote a letter to Facebook requesting that it take “more aggressive” steps to censor Trump’s campaign messaging regarding election integrity. The lawsuit also pointed out a May 2021 White House press conference in which Psaki stated that major social media platforms had a “responsibility to stop amplifying untrustworthy information, disinformation and misinformation, particularly related to COVID-19 and vaccinations, as well as elections.”
Biden and his administration were sued by the federal court asking for a declaration of violation of the First Amendment and an injunction to prohibit the administration from “acting together of participation” with big technology to censor conservatives.