Eduardo Sarabia was arrested on Monday by Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Officers. He has been charged with 2 counts of forcible sexual assault. Sarabia operated what was called a “rape den on wheels” around Los Angeles. The LA County Sheriff’s Department has asked other victims to come forward.
Authorities are searching for other victims after arresting a man who was accused of raping his victims repeatedly in a “rape den on wheels”. Deputies caught him in action.
Eduardo Sarabia, who was arrested in May 2013, has been charged with forcible rape on two counts. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies confirmed that the two incidents occurred on May 12th and 13th. Two deputies claimed to have caught him Monday in the act inside the white van off Highway 39, in the Angeles National Forest north of Azusa. Investigators have determined that Sarabia is an illegal Mexican immigrant and a transient.

Residents in the area where Sarabia was accused of operating were deeply concerned about the incident and expressed their hope that Sarabia would be removed from the streets.
Residents near the suspect told FOX 11 that they hoped the suspect would stay off the street.
It’s awful that we aren’t safe on the street. It’s difficult to imagine the difference between the current situation and what it used to be. Two people stabbing each other on public transport is not something you can do. “It’s terrifying,” Azusa resident Rita Miller told reporters.
“It’s scary. You know, I have children and this worries me. It’s scary, and I’m happy he was caught. Anna Duenas of Duarte said, “I’m glad it’s all over with him.”
Sarabia, who is currently held without bail and will appear in court again in June, has been arrested.

Sarabia’s van, a Ford Transit cargo van, was not intended to transport passengers. It has no rear windows. The van’s interior was not revealed, which is a relief.
The advocates of unchecked and uncontrolled immigration like to claim that crime rates are lower among the “undocumented”, or as they call them, than the general population. They forget, however, that just entering the United States itself is a crime. It doesn’t take many incidents to make a strong case for gaining control over the southern border. Immigration policy should not be geared towards just controlling the border and who enters in general but also to attracting (and only attracting) immigrants who bring value to their new country and are primarily interested in becoming Americans.
Eduardo Sarabia doesn’t seem to fit the profile. Ses victims would certainly agree.