Michelle Obama’s voter registration group When We All Vote is inciting fear of racially motivated voter suppression with a new promotion targeting HBCUs — historically black colleges, universities. Celebrity-driven When We All Vote launched Wednesday’s campaign to increase young voter turnout for the November midterm elections. The former first lady claims that black voters are being “under attack” to motivate college students.

Michelle Obama and Chris Paul, a NBA basketball player, have teamed up to make the race alarm in a new video. Paul stated that “there are people out there working every day to make it harder for communities with color, people living with disabilities, young people like yourself to vote their ballots.”

Michelle Obama and Chris Paul seem to be referring in part to voter integrity laws that have been passed in several states to prevent voter fraud and strengthen voter identification requirements. These laws have been portrayed as racist by Democrats who claim they are meant to disenfranchise minorities.

Hollywood stars like Samuel L. Jackson, Piper Perabo (Paramount Networks’ Yellowstone actress) have promoted the new campaign. Valerie Jarrett, a former official in the Obama administration, promoted it.

Michelle Obama created When We All Vote, a “nonpartisan” initiative that uses celebrity influencers to drive voter registration. It was also supported by Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

When We All Vote was able to use its celebrity power during the presidential race to promote vote via mail. This included a virtual event featuring appearances by Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks.

The group has been pushing Democrat efforts to take control of states’ ability to supervise their own elections and place it in the hands the federal government. These Democrat efforts would also weaken voter ID requirements.