A fairy tale about a British princess and an American actress is now a Shakespearean tragedy about the lives of two drama queens.

Like Jussie Mollet’s hate crime hoax and King James’ graffiti gate, Prince Harry believes he can win his crown by sacrificing himself to victimhood. This false faith has so much power that even a man who was born into a family that ruled over the world for most of the 19th century is tempted to believe it. Although it was once said that the sun never sets on the British Empire, Harry is becoming less royal and more like a spoilt and self-centered child of the West. On any college campus, you will find his narcissistic personality traits as well as an entitled demeanor.

The Duke of Sussex continues to sink into self-pity, and grievance with every media interview and social media posting about his memoir “Spare”. Harry is the ideal evangelist for this new faith. He is rich, white, male, and privileged.

He recounts the argument he had over comments made by his brother about his wife. Harry believes he was “bred to provide spare parts” – perhaps kidneys. Transfusion of blood. “Speck of bone marrow”- To William in case the heirs to the throne were ever ill or injured.

Harry even describes applying Elizabeth Arden cream on his penis to combat frostbite while on a North Pole trip. An audio clip is available online that includes Harry admitting that his mother used the cream on his lips. This made it difficult for him to apply the cream to his “todger” and he eventually took his friend’s advice.

Because of the tragic death of their mother, Princess Diana when they were children, Harry and William have been public heroes for many years. As with Kanye West’s, Harry’s reservoir of understanding and goodwill that he had built up over the years is now dry. Many were willing to blame his youth for his drug and alcohol use as well as Nazi cosplay. It is quite another thing to publicly criticize the support you received from your family during this difficult time.

Initial thoughts were that Harry was being influenced by Meghan Markle, the Duchess. I believed he was being controlled by the woman who pulled an OJ – exploiting old race wounds to appear sympathetic in the court of public opinion – on Oprah supporters and BLM stans. He allegedly sold his homemade rifles to her out of respect. This belief was reinforced by her tendency to dominate their public interactions and photos.

Because he believes that the paparazzi played a role in his mother’s death I can understand why Harry would want to protect his children and wife. However, the way he describes Meghan and her love for Diana’s style – as well as his exalted language about her – suggests a level at which he is prone to codependency and transference. This will not be a happy marriage. The princess needs a husband who is trustworthy and able to support her children.

Despite her flaws, the Duchess Of D-listers doesn’t use every platform to publicly trash her family. Years ago, the seeds of distancing from her stepfather and stepmother were planted. The public separation of Prince Harry and his father is happening in real time.

Harry is the epitome of millennial navel-gazing and self-pitying. A literal prince complains more than any other pauper, and whines like a preteen. Harry is a victim of the cult-of-self and, like many of his fellow members, can’t escape the vortex of the inner self by looking deeper. Let’s compare Harry’s public pronouncements with Queen Elizabeth II’s during her 1953 coronation.

“I will do everything in my power to make Law and Justice in Mercy a reality in all of my judgments.”

“I will do everything I can to preserve the Laws and Gospel of God. I will do everything in my power to keep the United Kingdom’s Protestant Reformed Religion as it is currently established by law. I will protect and maintain inviolably the Church of England’s settlement and its doctrine, worship, discipline, and government, as established by law in England.

This is the difference between a generation that constantly looks within and uses its power and influence to voice its grievances and one that seeks out purpose and direction from the outside.

Harry’s chattiness and wit are not matched by his faith. Anderson Cooper was told by Harry that he had tried psychedelics in an attempt to cope with his grief. However, this is far from being a true profession of faith. He proved that no amount of power, wealth or privilege can prevent you from self-destruction if you reject God and base your identity on the pain and suffering of others.

True religion is the only way to overcome false religion. Harry must know that God is sovereign and far more powerful than the monarch of Britain. He must know that Jesus is Lord, and Prince Harry, Duke, of Sussex, is not.