Psaki Warns of Third-Party Candidate Threat to Biden: ‘Huge Problem’


Jen Psaki, MSNBC host, and ex-White House Press Secretary, claimed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the “biggest threat” to President Biden’s chances of reelection.

Psaki said to Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” “There are many third-party candidates, and they’re a huge, enormous problem.” She then discussed how Kennedy is well-known in some parts of the United States.

Psaki said that although former President Donald Trump “has broad support in his base”, candidates like Kennedy pose the biggest threat to Biden.

Tom just mentioned that the issue with RFK Jr. is name recognition. There are states, and Georgia is one, that I will mention, where the Kennedy family name is loved. She said.

Psaki went on to denounce the independent candidate. He claimed that his supporters might be too distracted by his last name and not see his “conspiracy-theorist” views.

She added, “People might not yet — they might not be aware of the fact that he’s an anti-vaxxer and a conspiracy theorist. They don’t yet know.”

Psaki stated that both the Biden campaign as well as the Democratic National Committee are focused on this threat from a third party.

The former White House official stated that these third-party candidates are one of the greatest threats to Joe Biden’s reelection.

Many Democrats have recognized this threat from third parties. Joe Trippi, a veteran Democratic strategist, told NBC News that the third-party candidates were also “the biggest threat” to Biden.

He said: “Third-party candidates are the single greatest threat to Trump’s return in the White House.” It’s certainly not Biden. It is not about whether Trump is convicted. It’s nothing to do with that.

According to NBC News, the DNC has decided to create an official committee led by Lis Smith, a former Pete Buttigieg staffer and Democratic operative, to combat the threat of third parties.

Pat Dennis, president of Democratic opposition research group American Bridge, told the outlet that “we see [Kennedy & No Labels] as a Trump campaign arm and intend to treat it accordingly.”

Claire McCaskill, a former Democratic Senator from the United States, told NBC News that “the Biden campaign will have to spend a boatload on educating people about third-party voting and its dangers.” Biden will need to spend money on explaining that a vote for Trump is not the same as a vote for someone else.