We have written dozens of articles about White House Press Sec. Karine Jean Pierre because she is irritable, avoids any questions that she does not like, and is just incompetent. Only Fox News’ Peter Doocy and Today News Africa’s Simon Ateba call out this behavior; the rest of the WH press corps are content to go along with her nonsense.

On Wednesday, the NY Post’s Steven Nelson was unable to take it anymore. He called KJP out for refusing his questions since May. Transparency is not important, it seems.

Nelson said: “You’ve not called me in two years, Karine.”

Jean-Pierre snapped, “And I don’t call on you today.” She then smirked and tried to ignore Nelson as she repeated, “Go ahead! Go ahead!” to another reporter.


Nelson said in his tweet that, while he wasn’t representing a two-page county paper, he represented the oldest daily newspaper in the country.

The @NYPost is the oldest daily newspaper in our country. Only the NY Times has a higher web traffic. @PressSec called me last in May and a colleague last in July. Nelson linked to an article about the Biden administration’s pre-screening of reporters for exclusive events.

He didn’t stop there. At the press conference, he told her:

You should be ashamed. It shows disrespect for a free, independent media to blacklist Karine, one of the largest and most-read newspapers in our country. This shows disrespect for a free, independent press.

“I am calling someone who I haven’t called for a very long time.” Jean-Pierre replied, “Go ahead,” before answering a new question.

Nelson hasn’t been able to get under the White House skin for the first time. In June, Biden yelled at Nelson for asking about the Biden Crime family’s Ukraine connections:

Nelson: “Why was I referred to as Big Buy in the Ukraine FBI informant’s file?”

Biden: Why did you ask a stupid question?

The press secretary’s job is to provide answers to questions from the American public. KJP is more likely to shut down reporters who ask questions that annoy her or say, “No Idea, Go Ask the DOJ” (or Hunter’s attorneys, or the IRS, or anyone else).

The position of press secretary has become almost useless at this point as a source of actual news and information. With KJP in charge, it seems that the job consists mostly of deflecting or ignoring.