Senator John Kennedy Rips Apart Biden Judicial Nominee on ‘Assault Weapons’


Consider two rifles. Both rifles are semi-automatic, which was once called “self-loading” because they fire one shot per trigger pull. The action then cycles by being driven by gas or recoil, ejecting spent cases, and chambering new ones without any action from the shooter. Both rifles accept magazines that can be detached. The two rifles are identical in terms of functionality, but one uses a cartridge with a much higher power than the other. By the way, this technology has been around for a long time.

The “assault weapon ban” advocates ignore one of these rifles despite its useful attributes. One of these rifles is branded a “weapon of war” and hysterically described by the ban advocates.

Winchester 100 is the first rifle. It’s the one that gun banners tend to ignore. Second? The AR-15 rifle is a famous model.

This discontinuity – the fact that the gun grabbers ignore one rifle while focusing on the AR-15 model – is another example of their willful ignorance about guns. In a Senate hearing on Wednesday, Senator John Kennedy, R-LA, used his questioning to reveal that Biden’s nominee for the Seventh Circuit Court, Nancy Moldonado, had previously supported “assault gun” bans. He also revealed her inability even to define the term.

Here is the Judge Moldonado quote that Senator Kennedy (who, by the way, is a national treasure), focused on:

What do you mean by assault weapons?

Nancy Moldonado tried to avoid answering the question directly. The reason was painfully evident. At one point she admitted, “I am not a firearm expert.”

That much is for sure.

It is all part of a bigger problem. Politicians and judges are trying to make decisions and influence policies about things they don’t know anything about. Take the “assault weapons” ban of 1994, a piece of legislation that was favored by the left. This law defines an “assault weapon” as follows:

Semi-automatic Rifles that accept magazines detachable and have two or more:

  • Telescoping or folding stock
  • Pistol grip
  • Bayonet mount
  • The threaded barrel or flash hider is designed to fit one
  • Grenade launcher

Yes, you read that right. Bayonet lugs. If there’s one thing the early ’90s were known for, it was the horrible instances of criminal gangs fixing bayonets, forming lines, and charging each other, or worse, innocent bystanders. The number of innocents slaughtered in mass bayonet charges in those years was precisely… Zero.

You read it right. Bayonet lugs. The early 1990s were notorious for the horrific instances of criminal groups forming lines and slashing each other with bayonets or, worse yet, attacking innocent bystanders. In those years, the number of innocents killed in bayonet attacks was exactly… Zero.

People like Nancy Moldonado are still wondering why Second Amendment supporters don’t take their words seriously when they speak of the horrors of “assault weaponry.”

Senator Kennedy should be congratulated (again) for exposing the ignorance of this Biden nominee on this issue. We have a problem: Her ignorance has a lot of company.