After mocking the Babylon Bee’s popular conservative-run satirical site, the editor-in-chief was removed from his Twitter account. He had mocked the platform for allowing Chinese officials to abuse the Uighur community on the platform, while conservatives are censored.

Kyle Mann, editor-in-chief, said yesterday that “Maybe they will let us back into @TheBabylonBee’s Twitter account if you throw a few thousand Uighurs in concentration camps.”

Mann was today locked out of his account on Twitter due to the tweet that the left-wing Big Tech platform called “hateful behavior”.

After Rachel Levine, the Biden Administration’s Health & Human Services secretary was identified as being biologically female, the official account was locked down. This led to the website’s editor in chief being censored.

The Babylon Bee, a Christian satire website, has maintained its defiance 24 hours after Twitter closed its account for calling Dr. Rachel Levine, transgender HHS assistant secretary, a “man.”

Babylon Bee was sentenced in Twitter jail for mocking USA Today’s recent declaration of Rachel Levine, the biological male, as “woman-of-the year.”

The headline read, “The Babylon Bee’s Man Of the Year is Rachel Levine.”

Twitter locked the account of the satire website for 12 hours under the condition they delete the tweet. It claimed that it violated the platform’s policy on “hateful behavior”. Seth Dillon, CEO of Babylon Bee, stated that they would not bow to Twitter’s demands.

Not The Bee, a nonsatirical news site associated with Babylon Bee, stated they would fight the censorship and pointed out the influence that the platform has on current events.

Although you may think it’s easy just to ignore Twitter, remember that it is a major source of news, education and legal information around the globe. Many businesses are forced to use the Big Tech marketing system to survive. It is worth fighting discriminatory policies on platforms claiming to be the new public space. The Bee is going to fight.

The Babylon Bee is not the only one to have tangled up with Silicon Valley’s far-left censors.