It was inevitable, not because of general disinterest as some people would have you believe. Military experts have raised alarms about the Biden administration’s “woke” policies in the Department of Defense, as the U.S. army is on track to become the smallest in the last 8 decades, while our country is facing new global threats.

Mike Sarraille, a retired Navy SEAL, accused the White House that it treated U.S. soldiers stationed in the Middle East as “cannon fodder,” and claimed the Biden administration has had a major impact on the recruitment crisis.

“The few have always carried the load for the many. But the alarming decline in numbers poses a serious threat to national security and our defense strategy. It also raises the question: Can we face the new global threats that are emerging? This is not an issue of recruitment. Sarraille said to Carley Shimkus, “This is a problem of leadership.”

Sarraille added: “Talent breeds talent and, quite frankly, this younger generation would not want to work for an administration who uses their troops in the Middle East as cannon fodder, like we are seeing?” Instead of increasing our technological capabilities to a deadly force, the administration has implemented progressive policies such as renaming the base and funding or providing more funding for the DEI program.

Mike Glover, an Army veteran and counterterrorism expert, is a specialist in the field. He teaches special operations preparation in Utah. Glover’s course has seen a decline in the number of students enrolled as military branches battle to recruit new members. He believes that the crisis is due to low morale which was impacted by progressive policies within the DOD.

In an interview with Fox and Friends, he said: “Part of it’s national pride. We had a great deal of national pride. We had a purpose. My generation was a part of the military and had a purpose after 9/11, but many men and women are missing that. “I think morale in the military is low because we are a nation that has a lot of purpose.”

Glover believes that the military should refocus their efforts away from DEI and back on mission. He believes this could help the military recover from recruitment problems that have plagued each branch for years.

Glover stated, “I would focus my attention on the mission.” The mission is to protect our country. These woke politics, and the ideology that is embedded in our military, are bad for service. The Army in which I grew up was unique because you could do all that you wanted to, and the motto was “An Army of One”. We’re focusing more on the individual than on teamwork. I believe the esprit de corp is found in special operations and combat arms. I think that we should focus first on this because many men and women feel that they are fighting for nothing, which is a problem.

Glover is right: pride in your country is important in the military. Imagine it. You wouldn’t rush into the recruiting office if you were a teenager who was told from a very young age that your country is oppressive and only exists because of racism systemic and other crimes committed against humanity. Some people, with a non-snowflake mentality who do not believe the lies spread by the left, are put off in a completely different way. They believe that the country is worth fighting, but they are horrified by the condition of the military.

The United States will start the year with a total of 1,284,500 soldiers, the lowest since 1941 before the U.S. joined the Second World War.

Marines, and the newly formed Space Force, were the only ones to meet their recruitment goals. The Army, Navy, and Marines all missed their goals by 41,000. Ashish Vazirani spoke to the House Armed Services Committee last week and told them about the shortfall. “This number understates our challenge as the services have lowered their end-strength targets in recent years in part due to the difficult recruitment environment,” he explained. He continued by saying that “the all-volunteer forces face one of their greatest challenges since it was founded in the 1970s when the draft was abolished.”

He continued to give more excuses by saying that recruiters claimed that Generation Z has a “low level of trust in institutions” and that they have “decreased followed traditional career and life paths”.

It’s not the right that is affecting so many minds, but it’s the left. Leftists are against traditional values, and they do all they can to disturb rationality. In 20 years, only 25% of youths of military age had ever considered joining the military. Today that number is 50%.

Vazirani continued: “This has resulted in a disconnect between a large portion of the society and the military.” They don’t reject the military, but they are unaware of what it has to offer. The current recruiting environment may be difficult but the Defense Department, military services, and other stakeholders are working to improve the situation, resolve issues, and increase awareness about the opportunities that military service provides. “We must reach out to today’s youth with a message which resonates and inspires them to action.”

It is impossible to take impressionable minds, fill them with hatred and repulsion, and then expect them to want to join the military by continually disparaging their own country.

You can’t, by the same token portray the military in a clownish light with recruitment campaigns featuring mental cases such as the Island Boys or a man dressed up as a female and think that you’re appealing to the majority. Leftists have a woken consensus that drives them. They do not accept responsibility for their actions, but instead project the consequences on those and things they wish to destroy.

The military has other problems than just recruiting. Mike Sarraille asked, “Are we sure they’re the fighting force we need in the face of increasing global tension?”

The lack of leadership in the Biden administration will reflect this in some disturbing ways.