Voters See Biden’s Philadelphia Speech As Dangerous and Designed to Incite Conflict


A new poll of 1,000 voters conducted by Convention of States Action and The Trafalgar Group found that a majority of voters believe that the White House created Biden’s primetime speech in order to attack his political opponents. They also considered it dangerous and believed the president wanted to cause conflict between Americans.

The majority of American voters polled believe that President Biden’s recent primetime address addressed the nation at 56.8%. In which he called his political opponents “an extremism, threatens the very foundations our republic,” signals a dangerous escalation of rhetoric and was intended to spark conflict among Americans. This view was held by a majority of all ages and in both genders. The speech was deemed objectionable by 59.6% of those aged 18-24. The most alarming was among men, who indicated that 60% believed Biden’s speech to be a dangerous escalation.

Only 35.5% felt that the speech was acceptable campaign messaging. This is not surprising considering that the speech was a speech to the nation and was paid for by taxpayers. This result is below President Biden’s overall approval rating which, according to the RealClearPolitics Average, stands at 42.1%

These numbers show that the majority of voters were deeply upset by last week’s events. This finding is combined with the previous polling that indicated that a majority of voters hold President Biden accountable for America’s divisions, it’s clear that the man who claimed to unify the country has become the most divisive president in American history,” stated Mark Meckler of the Convention of States.

Recent polling shows that independent voters view Biden’s speech more favorably than Democrats, in line with recent trends. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of independents felt that the speech by President Biden was dangerous and escalated rhetoric intended to cause conflict. They agreed with the overwhelming majority of Republicans (89.1%), who share the same opinion.

Only 18.7% of Democrats viewed the speech as dangerous and divisive. Biden’s rhetoric was accepted campaign messaging by more than two-thirds of Democrats. Only black voters were more likely to believe the address was normal campaign rhetoric. Hispanic voters were less divided.

“When voters say that prepared remarks by a sitting president of the United States are a dangerous escalation intended to incite conflict, then we live in frightening times.” Even more frightening is the fact that a large majority of Democrats believe this was a routine, election-year stump speech,” Meckler said. “This is the tyranny that the founders of America predicted, and it’s why Article V contains an emergency provision that allows the states to take control of an out-of-control federal administration. He stated that a Convention of States is needed immediately.

Biden tried to resuscitate some of the heat through comments to the media and his Labor Day speech. Biden focused his holiday speech on the crimes of elected Republicans, who are questioning an unprecedented 2020 election and opposing Biden’s agenda. When Peter Doocy asked Biden if he thought all Trump voters were a threat to the nation, Biden replied that he didn’t feel that way about any Trump voter. This is a surprising response from a man who warned “right-wing Americans” that they would need an F-15 in order to defeat the government.

It will be hard to reverse the course taken by Biden in Philadelphia. It was so certain that it would resonate, that Team Biden had an intern tweet the comment from Biden’s personal account.

Biden’s speech was also detailed and defended by Politico’s White House stenographers. Their sources claim that Biden’s message was under review since June. According to reports, the urgency was created by the Republican response to the raid at Mar-a-Lago. The raid was designed to incite outrage and led to the speech that fueled the fires of anger. Cynically, one might believe that Democrats need the midterms as a referendum against Trump to avoid catastrophic losses. That was the view of White House staff with Politico.

Multiple aides and allies claimed it would have been “a neglect of duty” if Biden hadn’t spoken out when major developments threatened the foundation of the country.

They acknowledge that the speech had political benefits. White House aides say that Trump has become so toxic that any day he dominates the conversation is a good one. They enjoy watching Republican congressional candidates answer questions about Trump’s political and legal problems.

Even Never-Trump Republicans felt the speech was too extreme. Jim Dornan is an anti-Trump Republican operative and long-time Republican operative. He said that the speech felt like a “24-minute bashing of Republicans.” He also stated that he was offended at certain parts. He would have been better off not doing that. “He’s not going gain votes from people like him.” If you lose Never-Trumpers you have lost all dedicated Democrats.