The Georgia Senate race was decided in a runoff. We will continue to receive calls, emails, ads, and other messages for the next three weeks.
Some emails are designed to grab voters’ attention but they promise a 1,200% match! They promise to match your donation if you respond within a certain time.
Rarely are these emails sent directly by candidates. They are often sent by work PACs and not directly by candidates.
Republican candidate Herschel Walker shines a light on deceptive fundraising as it unfolds in the midst of a runoff.
Marc Caputo has more at NBC News:
Walker’s campaign followed Warnock’s fundraising efforts through the election. Now, they are asking fellow Republicans to help them end their fundraising ways or share more.
Scott Paradise was Walker’s campaign manager Monday. Paradise stated that everyone should focus on winning the Georgia Senate Race.
Paradise said that “This fight is the last of 2022, and every dollar will help. “The companies and consultants who are trying to raise money from this need to stop. ”
Walker received emails from Donald Trump’s Save America PAC promising a 1,200% match for donations. The second link said, “click here to modify allocation”. However, if the donor does not click the link, 90% will go to the PAC while 10% will go to Walker’s campaign.
Trump just sent out a fundraising email for Herschel Walker that says “Contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to the Official Georgia Runoff Fundraising Goal and increase your impact by 1200%” and then auto-defaults to splitting your donation 90% to Trump and 10% to Herschel Walker.
— Jacob Rubashkin (@JacobRubashkin) November 12, 2022
This isn’t a Trump-only issue. The National Republican Senatorial Committee sent an email that defaulted to a 99-1 split.
NEW: The NRSC sent a fundraising email today signed by Herschel Walker in which it is actually keeping 99% of what’s raised, per fine print.
Walker gets a dime for every ten dollar donation.
— Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher) November 15, 2022
J.D. It was a wonderful gesture by some of them to change the default to 50-50.
Caputo was informed by Jeff Vreeland of Prosper Group, a Republican strategist firm, that fundraising emails were an unneeded evil in modern political campaigning, especially when one group is capturing everyone’s attention.
He stated that fundraising was hard and Georgia’s Runoff is the only horse in town so everyone will be trying to raise money.
Terry Sullivan is a strategist and Marco Rubio’s 2016 presidential campaign manager. He also condemns this kind of split, especially when candidates the PACs support don’t know.
He stated, “Politics always had a lot of grifters. This is not to suggest that these people are trying to profiteer, but what motivation does it have if they do a 90/10 split, use Herschel Walker’s name, and don’t tell him? ” “It’s insane. ”
It’s not just insane; it’s simple grifting. People can’t resist the siren song.
What’s your solution?