Sarah Palin is famous for a few things: being the first female GOP pick for vice president; providing actually funny fodder for the ever-sinking Saturday Night Live; and giving “hockey moms” their day in the sun. Arguably, the most important thing she did politically was introduce America to the concept of death panels.

The media vilified Palin for her “death panels”. From NPR and Forbes, thousands of words were written describing Palin as a liar. As time passed, truths began to emerge.

This article does not claim that Sarah Palin has the right answer. This article is not meant to defend the traditional media, nor does it claim that death panels are a new concept. Sarah Palin and I both agree that the words “death panels” or “panels” will not appear in any legal documents.

  • Death Panels are Real
  • They are funded by your tax dollars
  • The public insists on their importance
  • Liberals and conservatives accept these ideas in different ways

You might be red-pilled, reader. If you’ve seen it, you’ll never be able to unsee it. This sloth will prove that there are no hard feelings if you choose to leave.

The Death Panel Is an “Essential Component” of Healthcare

They also deserve respect and support. Also, they deserve support and respect.

American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology

A panel is made up of people who are working together to accomplish a goal. This woman would not have been present if she was not pregnant. If that “clump of cells” is allowed to mature, it will give birth to a child. ”

A group decides to kill a person for the good of the whole. She brings the case to the doctor, who agrees. Although both the mother and the doctor are pleased with the decision, the baby dies.

You may think, “Ashley, this is lame. You may say. You may say:

  1. To agree on the definition of a panel
  2. Establish abortion as a death sentence
  3. Recognize those who don’t want to die as the ones who make decisions about their life.

Death Panels Are Legal

Cathy Martinez, a woman diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer in 2020, attributes her survival to a prayer group, a supportive doctor, and Keytruda, a drug that has been proven to be effective at treating aggressive cancers. Medica stopped covering Keytruda over the summer. They said, “Medica like other health insurers, uses nationally recognized and research-based criteria to cover safe and effective medication usage.” ”

Medica’s statement continues, “[Nationally recognized, evidence-based criteria] ensures that Members receive appropriate medication or services, and they are used safely.” Martinez’s oncologist requested an opportunity to demonstrate that his patient was in a normal condition and that Keytruda had played a crucial role in her life. Medica denied Martinez’s appeal.

“I am petrified going off of it because it’s really been what saved my life.”

— Cathy Martinez, Lincoln, Neb.

Keytruda works well for prayers and support but maybe not for Keytruda. Medica will say “These decisions are made based on costs”, but they won’t say outright that a Keytruda dosage is $28,000.

The standard for 24 months is 34 doses. Medica spent $952,000. Does it match the criteria? Martinez is cancerous, so this is not enough. Merck provided Martinez with a year’s free supply of Keytruda when her story was featured in Congress and the media. Anyone with terminal illnesses shouldn’t have to worry about buying the equivalent of a new car every three weeks.

Insurance companies claim that cost is not a factor when making decisions. However, these are for-profit companies whose shareholders and executives, as well as their employees, depend on them.

Imagine you are taking your dog to the veterinarian and, oh no! Your furbaby has been a part of your life for years. The vet may be able to perform surgery but that does not guarantee she will remove all the cancer. She warns it can be worse than the medication. Chemotherapy costs around $4,500. You have some savings. Your car’s engine light has just come on and you urgently need to get to work.

Congratulations! You’ve just made the right decision.

You love your dog. You’ll probably cry and take a sick day if your dog dies. The person who answers the phone is not the one making the decisions. The suits are in charge, and they don’t know the truth about our budgets or diseases.

He says Potahto, and she says Potayto. I say Death Panel.

Death Panels Are “Justice”

Texas is a hard place to mess around. When I was 18, capital punishment in Texas was as common as ordering a hamburger with mayo rather than mustard.

I wish I had the chance to go back and shake 18-year-old-me. I was a fool.

It doesn’t matter how the punishment is determined, as long as the victim is still dead, it does not matter if the punishment is death by electric chair, firing squad or public hanging.

Do I sound like a broken record? You’re getting the idea! The panel has been assembled to decide the fate of a person who does not have the right to vote, or to express an opinion. We, as citizens, legitimize this death panel.

Death Panels Are Newsworthy

They raised over a million dollars for their family to cover expenses. The parents raised more than a million dollars to help cover the family’s expenses. The hospital refused. When the parents and hospital could not reach an agreement, it was decided by the High Court of Canada that Charlie should be taken off the breathing apparatus. The baby died in the middle of July. His parents were never given a chance to fight for their rights by the government’s death panel.

Another UK patient with the same degenerative disease died last month because she was denied additional care. She was 19 but not old enough to have a vote or a voice.

Doctors claimed it was the “kindest option” because the teenager, who was “actively dying”, was not willing to be drugged or left to die.

It is not what I want and I would rather try the treatment abroad. The woman said: “It may be a small chance, but it’s the only opportunity I have.

A week after the patient’s interview with the Daily Mail, she died.

The Telegraph reports that more than 120,000 UK residents are on a waiting list for medical treatment, with many of them dying while they wait. Americans need to be aware of the crisis because ideas from Europe are often brought west.

  • Finland is the first country in the world to introduce a carbon tax
  • Early socialism in France and Britain
  • In France, Britain, and Ireland, assisted suicide has started
  • Unions were first established in Britain

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) was launched in 1948 and was glorified for years as the world’s preeminent healthcare delivery system. Between the government funding, the pandemic, changes in workforce volume, and demand for services, the NHS slipped from first to fourth to ninth. In other words, a single-payer system designed at a set point in time, never mind the best of intentions, cannot account for future changes in population, technologies, or discoveries. As we advance, so do our costs, and never forget who holds the purse strings: it ain’t you unless you’re magnificently wealthy.

Death Panels have been around for a long time. The culture of death has infiltrated our hospitals, doctors’ offices, courts, and our definitions of fairness and justice, as well as our medicine cabinets. Every day, we see death panels. I thought you should know.