Tim Ryan Called out by Audience for Huge Lie During Fox Town Hall


J.D. Vance and Rep. Tim Ryan (D.OH). Vance and Ryan are in a close race for the Ohio Senate seat that will succeed the retiring Senator. Rob Portman (R.OH). If Republicans want to win the Senate, they need to keep that seat and get more. As we reported here and here, Ryan hasn’t done well in the previous two debates.

Ryan may have stepped on a large rake Tuesday during a Fox News town hall.

Ryan was not happy with a few of his remarks.

Inflation is the most serious concern for Ohioans as well as the nation.

The audience member asked Ryan, “Can you tell me that government spending on green energy subsidies through ‘The inflation Reduction Act is in any manner lessening my burden to the gas station or grocery store?” Ryan said, “I couldn’t say that.”

Ryan tried to claim that inflation would be reduced at a later date, but I doubt anyone believed him. It would also be cold comfort for suffering Americans right now.

Vance did not allow Ryan to get away with it. He claimed that inflation was directly attributable t Biden’s spending.

Ryan claimed that he never called for the defunding of ICE, “not once” — something that sounds a lot like Bill Clinton denying sexual relations to Monica Lewinsky.

The Daily Wire reports:

Ryan agreed to support 11 million illegal immigrants gaining citizenship. Ryan also promised to cut the detention budget for Immigration and Customs Enforcement and to end the use of ICE detainers. His answers to the ACLU questionnaire reveal that.

Ryan’s worst moment was when he falsely claimed that Jan. 6 had seen the death of a police officer. Ryan is instantly called out by the town hall audience and called a “liar”. He smiles and believes he’s right and that they are wrong. This is the pinnacle of delusion.

Ryan insists, “We all saw the video.” Because it didn’t happen, there was no video of any police officers being killed. Instead of calling Ryan out, Fox News asked his audience to allow him to finish. Ryan claimed he was happy to have the conversation, thinking that he was somehow teaching ignorant Fox News viewers (who knew far more than Ryan).

Brian Sicknick, who died naturally from a stroke on the following day, was not at fault. For months, the media made many false claims about Sicknick’s death.

Imagine Tim Ryan, the guy who thinks he is right and smirks at those who correct him. When he lies about basic information, this guy wants a Senate seat. If you don’t get it right, and then you try to demonize Vance, all Republicans, because of it, you are not trustworthy or worthy of a vote.

Tulsi Gabbard, an ex-Democratic representative, also endorsed Vance. She called Ryan a “warmonger” while pointing out that Vance understands the costs of war because he was a Marine.

Vance is up two points on the RealClearPolitics Average, at 47.3 percent to 45.3 percent. I would bet that Ryan lost this debate. It’s not a good appearance to be called out by the crowd.