This Past Week Wasn’t the First Incident of Biden Mishandling Classified Docs


Joe Biden’s scandal with classified documents has been a major story in the last week. Documents were found in three locations, including his garage next to his Corvette.

This isn’t Joe Biden’s first incident of mishandling classified documents.

Greg Burton, a reporter for the Arizona Republic, shared a story about a previous occasion when Biden left classified documents around and exposed them to him as well as others.

Burton visited Biden’s Vice Presidential Office in the White House in order to interview Biden regarding the financial crisis in 2010.

Burton discovered a document titled “Top Secret” on a table at the office during the interview.

Burton recalls that the red warning on the cover attracted his attention, but he was distracted by the former vice president’s keepsakes. A leather binder with photos of Jill Beau, Hunter, and Ashley caught my eye. For all he knows, he thinks the document could have contained “launch codes” or “spy game and terrorist cells.”

Burton was among several photographers and reporters who were allowed to interview Biden that day in his office. Jay Carney, Obama’s press secretary, was there as well.

Biden spoke about the Troubled Asset Relief Program and took pictures. Elizabeth Alexander, Biden’s press secretary, closed the interview after an hour and a quarter. Biden waved at one of his friends to take a few more photos, and then the group rushed out of the office. The action began:

Red cover = “Top Secret”

Burton stated that Carney realized they had seen the document, and Joe Biden had made a mistake. They raced to Burton and the photographer.

Fred demanded Fred’s camera from Carney.

We said no.

We reached a compromise a few minutes later. Fred had to delete the offensive images. I didn’t delete the tape, but I wouldn’t publish what I had recorded.

That classified document Joe had on his desk that day?

Wilmington could be the location.

This could have been very problematic. Who knows what other reporters took with them that day when they interviewed Joe Biden? This was Joe Biden. It’s perfectly consistent with the Biden that we see now, which has classified documents spread over at least three locations.

Is that classified document still out there? It was supposed to only be seen in a locked room. Is it possible that it was never returned to its original location, or that it could have been one of the documents that somehow found its way to Wilmington and the Penn Biden Center?

Biden said that President Donald Trump was “irresponsible with classified documents” when they were stored in a vault protected by Secret Service. Talk about projection. Biden is all that Trump accused him of being.