Americans Don’t Want Wokeness in Sports


    Willams is a former college baseball player who was drafted into MLB. He now manages the Republican baseball team. Sports is big in America. I come from a baseball family and I get upset when I see too many woke people in any field. Our family has a rich past. There are some good things. He explained that while we have our bad moments, we can learn from them all.” It doesn’t have to be destroyed.

    “And I believe a lot these players today, if any other job in private sector, they would not be making as much as they are. Many of them don’t know the value of a dollar. Many of them don’t know how they got there,” he stated.

    Williams said, “And I think that to the extent that sports can get out politics is the best.” Williams also stated that Americans have always viewed sports as an escape from the world — something that wokeness has totally destroyed.

    People want to go to a football or baseball game. They want to have fun and support their team. He said that they don’t want politics to be involved.

    Williams admitted that it was impossible to stop players making statements, but he suggested that some recent events may have crossed the line.

    “But at the exact same time, I believe there’s a time when you don’t kneel for our national anthem. You shouldn’t wear Black Lives Matter on your shirt. The Republican stated that this sends a message to fans that they don’t want the Republican to jack with.

    Williams stated that players must play and the Americans should decide where they want to go politically. Williams said that while some things on the athletic fields are disappointing and some players’ comments are disappointing, there are many players who understand the importance of it all.

    “A lot of players serve. Many players are great at what they do. However, we don’t have to make political statements on court. The pitcher’s mound does not need to have a political statement. Our jerseys don’t have to bear political messages. Let’s all play for our country, our fans, our mom and father, and our school,” he stated, calling for “normality” to return.