French media reported that Telegram CEO and founder Pavel Durov had been arrested in France after his private plane landed at Le Bourget Airport on Saturday. Le Monde reported that Durov had been arrested on a warrant for "various violations" of his encrypted message service. The 39-year-old, who gained French citizenship in 2021 is expected to appear before a court on … [Read more...] about Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested in Europe Over Platform’s ‘Lack of Moderation
DNC’s ‘Special Guest’ Rumor Exposed as a Ratings-Driven Con Job
Social media was buzzing Thursday following rumors that a special guest would be appearing on the final evening of the Democratic National Convention. Turns out, it was all a scam to increase the number of viewers for Kamala’s big night. It's likely to have worked. Fans tracked Taylor Swift's plane to find out if she was in the area. Former CNN host Don Lemon, who was … [Read more...] about DNC’s ‘Special Guest’ Rumor Exposed as a Ratings-Driven Con Job
Top Army General Slams ‘Racist’ Promotion System, Reveals Why He Intervened for a Favorite
A four-star Army general who was suspended following allegations that he attempted to pressure an Army Selection Board to help his protege, has written to the Secretary of the Army demanding his reinstatement. Army Materiel Command commander, General Charles Hamilton, is suspended from his command until the investigation results are known, wrote Secretary Christine Wormuth. He … [Read more...] about Top Army General Slams ‘Racist’ Promotion System, Reveals Why He Intervened for a Favorite
Juanita Broaddrick Calls Clinton A Rapist, Condemns DNC For Showcasing Him
One of the women who was harmed and victimized by the former Democrat president Bill Clinton has joined the chorus that condemns the Democratic National Convention's honoring Clinton as a speaker. Bill Clinton has been impeached. He lied, and he is and was a serial sexual abuser and adulterer. The DNC is presenting Clinton as a keynote speaker, even though it claims to be so … [Read more...] about Juanita Broaddrick Calls Clinton A Rapist, Condemns DNC For Showcasing Him
Biden-Harris Official Sparks Controversy with Call to ‘Queer Nuclear Weapons’
Today is your lucky day if you have been looking for the perfect example to show that the radical left poses a serious threat not only to the moral fabric of American society but also to the very existence and survival of the United States. The example is from the Biden-Harris Administration. Sneha Nir, who was appointed as special assistant to the National Nuclear Security … [Read more...] about Biden-Harris Official Sparks Controversy with Call to ‘Queer Nuclear Weapons’