What is it that makes someone a hero? Who are the Good Samaritans? These are contentious questions.

There are some who believe that brave bystanders should not be celebrated because of an incident that occurred on Sunday.

A gunman opened fire on the Greenwood Park Mall in Indianapolis, Metropolitan Area. Deseret News reported Johnathan Sapirman (20) fired 24 rounds.

Tragically, three were murdered: Victor Gomez, 30; and couple Rosa Rivera de Pineda, 37, and Pedro Pineda, 56. Two more were injured: a 20-year-old female shot in the leg; and a 12-year minorly wounded by a deflected bullet.

After entering the mall, Sapirman headed straight to the bathroom and was there for over an hour before exiting the bathroom and opening fire.

“The most puzzling piece…was the amount of time that he was in the bathroom,” [Chief James Ison] said. “We believe he was getting ready.”

The man’s plans to kill his victims were stopped by the fact guns are more common than ever. Elisjsha Dimen (22 years) stopped the mass shooter from continuing his rampage.

Footage…showed Dicken shooting 10 rounds out of his pistol and motioning for the residents to follow him.

Chief James praised Elisjsha’s intervention:

“Many people could have died this evening if a responsible, well-armed citizen had not been …”

Sunday night Elisjsha was likened to a Biblical character by Chief James. Monday, he was again:

“The shooter was confronted by our Good Samaritan. … The Good Samaritan was armed with a pistol and engaged the shooter as he stood outside the restroom area firing into the food court. [Elisjsha] fired several rounds, striking the suspect. The suspect attempted to retreat back into the restroom [but] fell to the ground after being shot.”

Does that sound like a hero to you? Justin Kollar was stunned by the chief’s framing. Kollar sent a tweet expressing his surprise at the chief’s framing.

“The expression “Good Samaritan”, which is derived from a Bible verse about a Samaritan who stopped at the side of the road to help a man, was inspired by a Bible passage. Amazing that this term can be used to describe someone *killing* someone…

Elisjsha’s heat packing did not impress him.

“It’s against @simonmalls code for anyone to carry any weapon in the mall. Greenwood Police are grateful that the man had a weapon inside the mall.

Online, there were some users who agreed with one another. “What do you have? Two gunmen. One of them obeyed the law for a bit longer than the mass shooter. ”

Additional remarks

  • “[A]sk yourself if you really want your mall experience to be like the wild…west.”
  • “Why did he bring a gun shopping, in a specified gun-free zone? Hmm, not so good by definition. What if he was there to shoot people?”
  • “I am horrified to see that term used in this context.”

So goes America’s divide over guns. For many advocates, if a firearm is used to do evil, it’s apparently the fault of the weapon. But if a gun is used to stop the act, that implement earns no points. Nor does the person who rightfully employed it.

The perpetrator may be more accepted than the victim (Language Warning).

The Good Samaritan issue was discussed, and the biblical act was extolled because it saved a life.

Did Elisjsha do it again? You have the final say:

  • The shooter was armed with a Sig Sauer 400M .556-caliber rifle.
  • He had a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 .556 on reserve in the restroom.
  • A Glock 33 .357 pistol was on his person.
  • He was armed with over 100 rounds.
  • He’d been frequently practicing at a range for the past two years.
  • He had resigned from his warehouse job in May.
  • Police were told by the family they believe he’d received a notice of eviction.

This sounds a lot like someone who has come from the dead to take down the world.

Elisjsha Dimen made it possible for the mission to be ended quickly and permanently.