The Usual Suspects hailed Joe Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris, then-Democratic presidential candidate, as his vice presidential running-mate in August 2020. This was seen by them as a turning point in American politics. It demonstrated that hard work and dedication to The Cause(tm), will eventually pay off.
Among the glowing comments on the importance of naming a woman (and a women of color) as your running mate are two important things. One, Harris’s career was advanced by having an affair in California with a politically powerful, older, and more connected Democrat leader. Two, Joe Biden chose Harris to run with him because he was being pressured by woke Democrats to pick a black female.
Although Harris was already clear that she wasn’t the right person for the job, her first 20 months as Biden’s second-in-command were filled with failure after failure, bad press waves, word salads galore. Even comedians who once hailed Harris the greatest thing since the invention sliced bread couldn’t help but notice.
There has been constant speculation that Joe Biden would run for the presidency again in 2024. Harris clearly plays a prominent role in those discussions. Reports of bickering between Harris and Biden camps have been widespread, with some tensions growing between Harris and Biden.
With the Democratic ticket in shambles and a red wave of political activity projected for Tuesday’s midterm elections, Harris is now being told a new story log to add fuel to the fire. It tells Harris that she has finally found her footing.
The “report”:
Harris’s growing comfort in the midst of constant political activity is a sign of relative stability. Harris has felt a certain absence of negative noise over her movements, to the point where her allies don’t seem to be as concerned about Beltway coverage than they are about it.
Karen Finney, a Democratic strategist, said Harris has been helpful in “talking about reproductive freedom” and “stumping for candidates to help build enthusiasm, rally the Democratic base.” Finney also acknowledged that “if you do a good job, then we don’t hear as much about you.” This is a problem in itself because people don’t know as much as you do about your work.
Harris is able to turn the page with this. Although the hiccups remain, they are magnified by Twitter critics, but they occur less often. There are still struggles to gain wider popularity, but there is less chaos. People around her feel that she has gained more independence. She is now determined to overcome the difficult early months of uneven performance and staffing problems.
Although there are still doubts about Harris’ future, Harris’ last 12 months has brought her some political benefits. She is now closer to the party’s core constituencies.
If you feel the need to relax and unwind after such an intense level of spin, take a moment.
Spin is what it is. Today’s Harris is not the Harris she was yesterday. She has no depth beyond what her handlers tell her. This fact can be easily verified for anyone who wants to learn more.
We don’t know who the Democratic nominee in 2024 will be. One thing is certain: Kamala Harris wants it. We can expect to be gaslighted again with glowing media profiles about how she “grew” as a leader while also ratling off a bunch of supposed accomplishments (including Venn diagrams). This may sound great on paper, but it will all mean nothing in the end.
Potential opponents such as Harris are allied and California Governor. Gavin Newsom of Vermont and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders await Joe’s announcement on whether or not he will run. Get ready to eat popcorn and possibly a few Tylenol. Things are likely to get very interesting after next week’s election.