The joke these days is that the Bill of Rights will lose if it is put to a vote. The voters approved a draconian anti-gun measure so horrendous that it was “renewed obsolete.” To regain the rights that the Declaration of Independence declared to be “self-evident” and “endowed by our Creator”, civil liberties advocates are now trying to “secure The Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”. ”

Don’t be deceived. Oregon is a state where wokeness does not recognize self-evidence. It’s also a place where “our Creator”, or godless communist dogma, has replaced God. You shouldn’t believe what they think.

The passage of Measure 114 was a major concession to civil rights and to the Supreme Court’s decision New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, which reaffirmed America’s right to bear arms in public and to possess arms “typically possessed law-abiding citizens to lawful purposes.”

“Oregonians may be making a run to gun shops because of the new law’s harsh and unconstitutional regulatory scheme.” “As a result, sales have increased by 382%.”

It is shocking to see that the Oregon State Police still has work in progress.

Urban Oregonians narrowly passed Measure 114 in Oregon. It bans ammunition magazines that contain more than ten rounds. It effectively bans shotguns and long guns. It also lowers the number allowed in standard pistol magazines to contain more than ten rounds.

Oregon residents must apply for a permit in order to purchase a firearm. To obtain a permit, an individual must first acquire a firearm (though Oregon has strict gun transfer laws) and then attend a law enforcement-run training center to become qualified.

Kevin Starrett, the leader of the Oregon Firearms Federation, told me on my Adult in the Room Podcast that the measure was a recipe for disaster.

“You must have a concealed handgun license to carry a gun.” “A Sheriff might tell you that you can apply next August, but it won’t be granted until November. ” “It’s legal.”

Lawyer Bill Kirk of Washington Gun Law told me that Measure 114 disembowels the Second Amendment. Well, he said it much nicer, stating that it makes the Second Amendment “superfluous.”

I told the Oregonians that if you have to prove your competence, knowledge and good character before your Second Amendment rights are exercised, then why is the state of Oregon requiring you to pass a litmus test before you can exercise your voting rights? […] Anyone who has read Measure 114 or the Bruen opinion will see that it is difficult to reconcile what the court expects from the government and what is actually here.

A federal court petition argues Measure 114 violates the Fifth Amendment takings Clause. It prohibits the sale and possession of magazines that are legal when they were purchased without compensation.

“Banning magazines that have more than 10 rounds are unlikely to decrease criminal use of guns.” “It is also unlikely to reduce criminal misuse of automobiles.” “Contrary to popular belief the 114 ban does not guarantee that criminals who illegally carry firearms and magazines with more than 10 rounds can have a fatal advantage over their law-abiding victims.”

OFF claims that state law requires that funders provide funding for initiative actions. Measure 114 doesn’t have such a plan. Gun supporters believe it is unlikely.

Petitioners request a Pendleton federal judge to declare that 114 “unconstitutional upon its face” and issue a preliminary injunction.

After Election Day, the gun-grabbing officials of Oregon’s state government announced that the new law would be ineffective for 30 days after the declaration of the election results. The Leftists instead decided that the new law would not be in effect for 30 calendar days after the declaration of election results.

People who want to buy weapons before gun regulations are removed will have a shorter window to do so

According To The Oregonian, the decision shocked supporters of the measure. Oregon gun rights advocates were also stunned by the decision.

Pastor Mark Knutson serves as the main cheerleader for Measure 114. He is a Portland Leftist activist who has been active for many years. He helped create the group “Lift Every Voice” to help promote Measure 114. This was an ode to support for rights, not their elimination.

According to the website of the group, there are no other organizations that advocate for Oregon’s banning of guns. The group is also funded and maintained by Michael Bloomberg. Knutson wore a clerical collar and vestments, as well as a vestment. According to the AP, 82% of gun deaths in Oregon are due to suicides.

Knutson can see standing behind Tai Carpenter, leader of Don’t Shoot Portland. She declares that there is no peaceful demonstration. ” Carpenter declared, “Black lives matter. F*ck peaceful protests. ”

Conclusion: Oregon Leftist Antifa or BLM-types have made a cottage industry of fighting for free speech rights. Their concern is Constitution.