Musk’s Elon Musk/Twitter drama has been raging for months. He wrote the following April 25th Tweet: “I hope even the worst critics of me stay on Twitter because that’s what freedom means.” A chorus of leftist Z-listers, A-listers, and Z-listers quickly stated that they wouldn’t comply with Musk.
Amy Siskind (Unhinged Leftist activist) tweeted on April 25: “I’m sitting here with my thoughts watching and it is a big philosophical problem to me to know that any content that I post here will directly profit one man whom I consider absolutely horrible.” She stated that “People need to understand that this company does not exist publicly.” “Every post that you make on the site will be free content that will enrich Elon Musk. ”
Amy Siskind is the best person for mental stability. In December 2018, she declared that she would not vote for white male candidates in the Dem primary. She then tried to fire a Leftist professor who did not agree with her identity politics.
Siskind now says she will be leaving soon. “If the man-child allows the neo-Nazis and hate leaders back, I will maintain an Account here but cease providing content (this drives me crazy). Until something better comes along, you can find my content on Facebook. She stated that Left-fascists are abandoning Twitter in large numbers. “I have lost thousands here and hundreds have migrated to Facebook. Safe spot until a better option is found.” This place is safe from unwashed patriots who dare dissent from the Leftist line. We’ll find out.
Mia Farrow (Hard-Left actress) tweeted on April 25: “Well if Twitter becomes toxic-with Trumpy traitorous lying & every hate–it will be taken less seriously and people such as me (for peace and mind)”
Last Thursday, Farrow tweeted at 12:37 Eastern Time. Farrow is yet to decide if she will quit Twitter in order to keep her mind at ease and avoid the traumas that come with viewing other views than her own.
WWE Hall of Famer and noted Left-fascist Mick Foley tweeted on April 25: “I’ll be giving some serious thought to leaving @Twitter for good in the near future. I do not have a good feeling about where this platform is heading.” Foley apparently decided to stick around, at least in order to parrot Leftist agitprop about how “our democracy,” by which Leftists always mean their hegemony, is in peril. On Thursday evening, he tweeted: “Our democracy has never been more fragile. Please help keep it alive. #VOTE.”
If Musk is able to restore banned accounts, including those of Donald Trump and Matt Margolis, and that all views are not in line with the Leftist view on transgender rights and other issues that have brought people down to their knees, how many Leftists are going to leave Twitter?