Border Patrol Facilities In Yuma At 800% COVID-19 Capacity


    Detention records examined from the Border Patrol in Yuma, Arizona found that the sector currently holds more than 2,800 migrants in stations and processing centers. According to CBP sources, the sector is currently holding 3 times its normal capacity and 8 times the recommended levels for the pandemic.

    Records show that the sector can hold slightly more than 900 migrants in its holding cells. According to the source, there are still migrants in the field awaiting transportation. To alleviate the overcrowding, more migrants are being held at outdoor sally ports loading areas near stations.

    Recent migration has seen thousands of illegal immigrants enter the United States in an attempt to circumvent the “Remain In Mexico” program being reinstated at various locations along the southwest border. A federal court ordered that the program be implemented this week.

    According to the source, there is no concern about overcrowding. The World Health Organization identifies the best ways to prevent the spread of this new variant. To reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the best steps are to keep at least one meter away from others.