China could have played an important role in the 2022 elections. This was a huge disappointment for Republicans. Forbes reports that the communists used TikTok during the campaign to send political messages mostly critical of Republicans.

These accounts can be followed by millions to spread propaganda China finds useful. They believed that Democrats should remain in power.

TikTok accounts are run by China’s propaganda arm and have millions upon millions of followers. These videos often contain editorializing about America without clear disclosure from a foreign government.

MediaLinks TV manages the accounts.

The @NewsTokss account was critical of some candidates (mostly Republicans) and supportive of others. One October video featured the caption “Rubio did absolutely nothing.” @NewsTokss didn’t just target Republicans. They also asked viewers if they thought President Joe Biden’s promise of signing a bill codifying abortion rights was manipulation. However, these videos did not reveal that viewers had been influenced by or pushed for foreign governments.

Consider how long it’s been known that TikTok was a Chinese information agency. This is a prime example of bias in media. News outlets care more about Twitter’s free speech than they care about bias in the media. Think about how long it has been known that TikTok is a Chinese information operation.

This question is rhetorical. Hakeem Jeffreys is a new leader in the Democratic House. He claims that Donald Trump’s presidency has been made illegal by memes on Facebook.

Don’t be fooled, China has been infiltrating the American election at a higher level than Russia since the 2022 midterms. It is interesting to note that COVID-19 was probably leaked from a Chinese laboratory just in time for it to become a reality.

If you take a step back and start to piece together the left’s attachment to China, it is easy for one to see. Just days ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci defended the Chinese, suggesting we shouldn’t press them on the origins of the coronavirus because their completely honest and not-at-all-controlled scientists might get mad. The Biden family also has business dealings with communist countries. This is only a small part of the many ways Democrats can manipulate the Chinese to their political advantage.

It is absurd to think that TikTok could continue operating in the United States. This is absurd. I also find it absurd.