Ted Cruz Finishes Fight With AOC Over Racist History of Democrat Party


Many Republicans were understandably shocked when the NAACP announced a “travel advisor” for Florida on Monday. This was especially true after learning that the highly partisan advice revolved around false allegations that Florida’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis is “openly hostile to the black community” and doesn’t wish black children to study black history.

Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas who was among those on the left to scoff at the NAACP for its actions, took to Twitter to express his anger over how far this organization had fallen.

This is bizarre. Cruz wrote, “This is utterly dishonest. In the 1950s and 1960s, NAACP played a major role in the civil rights movement. Today, Dr. King is ashamed of how far they have fallen.

Some on the Very Online Left went insane, including AOC, (whose tweet will be discussed in a moment) and so-called historians like Kevin Kruse who wrote that “In 1995, Dr. King demanded a boycott of Alabama because Democratic Governor. George Wallace’s policies were a “reign of terror” against Black Americans.

Cruz didn’t back down. He pointed out that Wallace was a Democrat and “an incorrigible racism” as well as that “Dr. King’s courage in standing up to bigotry helped change America.

Cruz noted that “Florida is an oasis of liberty today and this is why so many African-Americans have moved there.”

Norman Ornstein, a Democrat “political science” also chimed in and declared that Cruz would have “been first in line” to filibuster Civil Rights Act:

“Nonsense. Cruz responded by telling him that the Democrats, his party, were responsible for this shameful filibuster. “My party, the Republicans, proudly voted in higher percentages for the Civil Rights Act than the racist Dems.”

AOC then decided to get involved, believing she had “gotcha” in her message to Cruz.

Cruz replied accordingly, with a series of tweets in which he informed her and his critics about how Democrats had been racists towards the black community for pretty much the entire time of their existence.

The KKK was founded by the Dems.

  • Then, the Dems wrote Jim Crow laws.
  • The Democrat party then filibustered against the Civil Rights Act.
  • Today, the Dem party[y] is filibustering school choice – trapping millions of Black children in failing schools.
  • The Dems are pushing to abolish the police today, which will result in the murder of many more Blacks.
  • Every Democrat senator voted today against my bill, which would stop DC from kicking out 40% of Black children because of the Vax mandate.
  • The Republican Party was formed to fight slavery.
  • Abraham Lincoln was our first Republican president. He won the Civil War and ended slavery.
  • The Republicans voted in favor of the civil rights act at a higher rate than racist Democrats.
  • Under the Trump economic boom, we have produced the lowest African American unemployment ever.
  • Under the Trump economic boom, we have produced the lowest levels of African-American Poverty EVER.
  • Over the objections of every single Senate Democrat, I have today passed the largest expansion in federal school choice ever (making 529 Plans cover K-12).
  • Just two years earlier, the Democrat governor of Virginia put a photo of a man dressed as a KKK KLANSMAN in his yearbook.
  • Joe Biden, today’s Dem president, gave a flowery eulogy in 2011 for an “Exalted cyclops” of the KKK.
  • The Dems have also aggressively supported open borders, which has resulted in the brutal attacks and deaths of thousands of Hispanics. The @aoc can’t find her White pantsuit in which to weep over their suffering.

It’s important to remember that contrary to AOC’s claims, historians, and media apologists, the “party switch” from the Democratic to Republican parties in the South didn’t occur until the 1990s. This had more to do than “racism”, with the Democratic Party’s shift to the left and economic concerns.

One would expect the election results to reflect a meaningful change in attitudes towards civil rights in the years that followed the Democrats’ turnabout on this issue in 1964. Only one of the 21 Democratic Senators who opposed 1964’s Civil Rights Act changed parties. Segregationists who elected them did not throw them out to make way for Republicans. The other 20 Democrats continued to be elected or replaced by Democrats. On average, it took nearly 25 years for these seats to become Republican. It is odd that southern rednecks waited until the 1980s and 1990s before they abandoned the Democrats due to a civil rights law passed in 1964. It is true that things are slower in the South, but not by much.

It is also true that state legislatures were firmly under Democratic control in the South, with Democratic governors at their helm until the early 2000s.

Lastly, I want to share an important note that my RS colleague Brandon Morse sent me in relation to Cruz’s statement about the way Democrats treated blacks after the 1964 Civil Rights Act.