A Border Patrol agent from El Centro Sector was attacked by a migrant with a gun and other weapons. El Centro Sector Chief Patrol Officer Gregory Bovino tweeted photos of weapons found on a suspect during an alleged attack against an agent. was successfully subdued.

A search of the area revealed that the migrant had a gun, a hatchet, and other weapons after his arrest. Border Patrol agents are the most targeted federal law enforcement officers. More than 200 were attacked in Fiscal Year 2021.

There are no statistics from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website that show how many agents were attacked in this fiscal year. El Centro Sector officers have arrested over five thousand illegally crossing Mexico’s border in October. A large portion of the sector is protected by border wall systems. Early 90% of those arrested in this sector were single adults.

Officials reported the overwhelming majority of those detained were single Mexican citizens. Only 500 were unaccompanied minors or families.