You probably all cringed on Tuesday when White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced that Joe Biden will begin to mask again in light of the recent events.

President Biden tested negative for COVID-19 last night and again today. She said that he was not showing any symptoms during the Tuesday press conference. “As for the steps he’s taking: Since he was with the First Lady yesterday, he’ll be masking indoors and when around people according to CDC guidelines. As in the past, he will remove his mask once he is sufficiently far away from other people indoors as well as outside.

Biden’s move was expected because the public has been conditioned to accept COVID-19 limitations again. It was clear what was going on with all the talk of new variants, mandates, and vaccines, as well as potential masking recommendations. Joe Biden’s decision to “lead with example” by returning to masking, which most people had long abandoned, was perhaps the best way to segue into the news that Jill Biden tested positive.

But wait! This is COVID, and the pandemic proved that many government officials who were happy to impose restrictions on the people weren’t so keen on doing the same for themselves.

Biden took part in a Medal of Honor Ceremony for a Vietnam Veteran later that day. He entered the ceremony wearing a face mask but removed it immediately before approaching the elderly honoree. Biden mingled with the crowd with his face bare.

Biden’s hypocrisy is not surprising. Biden, his wife, and children violated the mask law for federal buildings on his first day as president. This was just hours after Biden signed it.

Jen Psaki, then his press secretary, “I believe he was celebrating a night of a historic day for our nation. He signed the mask requirement to send a clear message to Americans about the importance and benefits of wearing masks.”

I doubt anything has changed. The White House claimed that Joe Biden was going to mask. It wasn’t about what Joe Biden did, but rather about sending a signal to the American public: get ready for COVID restrictions.