Biden Speechwriter’s Bold Claim Falls Flat—WSJ Says Voters Are Tuning Out Dems’ ‘Trump Fascism’ Narrative


As we approach the election, the left is losing all rationality. These people can’t handle it. It may be tragic to some and hilarious to others.


On Monday’s MSNBC “Morning Joe” episode, Jon Meacham, a speechwriter for Biden, claimed with a straight face that he knew what the traditional Republicans who supported former President Donald Trump’s campaign thought. No less than “in their hearts.”


Consider this. Democrats know not only what Trump supporters support or oppose, but also how Trump loyalists feel and think. Sorry, lefties. That’s a little too ESP for me.


Meacham and “Morning Joe’s” Joe Scarborough lost their marbles in response to an op-ed published by the Wall Street Journal on Sunday, which criticized Democrats for continuing to call Trump a fascist (alongside other frightening-sounding but ridiculous ad-hominem attacks).


The Journal’s first article:


As Election Day approaches, the progressive panic about Donald Trump escalates. Democrats close their campaign by promoting a favorite theme. Mr. Trump poses a threat to the Constitution and democracy and is even a fascist. But is this true? Could he impose authoritarian rules in the U.S.?



MSNBC interviews academics who draw an exact historical line between the GOP of the 21st century and Europe in the mid-20th century. The Atlantic’s writer wins the prize for hyperbole with a headline claiming that Mr. Trump talks like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. Why not include Chairman Mao?


Kamala Harris also hits the theme. She told a Pennsylvania crowd that Mr. Trump was “seeking unchecked powers”. Listen to General [Mark] Milley. Donald Trump’s most senior general. He called Trump, I quote, “fascist in the core” and said, Quote, “No one has been as dangerous for this country.”


The Journal continues to explain correctly that “most Americans don’t simply believe the fascist meme and for very good reasons.” The editorial board began by stating that Trump’s first year proved the claim to be ridiculous.


Whatever his intentions were, the former President was constrained by American checks and balances. Democrats, the media, and federal bureaucrats were all against his work, just as they will be again.


The same restrictions would apply to, say, an extreme leftist from San Francisco, should she run for president.


We are brought back to the “Morning Joe”, and Jon Meacham. Meacham was enraged at the WSJ article, even though it did contain a fair amount of criticism of Trump. Let’s look at Meacham’s words for the sake of time, and sanity and to save ourselves some energy. His apparent clairvoyance is also amazing.



If you go back to George Washington’s Farewell Address then the central thesis was that the American Republic cannot exist without a moral and religious foundation. You can leave the religious aspect out for a moment if you wish. Let’s at least talk about the moral side.


Uh-hu, Jon, let’s.


Let’s discuss the morality behind supporting abortion on demand of a healthy child right up to the moment of its birth. Talk about the morality behind allowing unvetted millions of illegal aliens to enter our country. Many of these criminals are violent and have brutally recorded or murdered American citizens. Let’s discuss the Biden-Harris Administration’s response to the deaths and destruction caused by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina. Let’s continue.


Meacham went on, going off the rails.


It’s almost enough to make me die, that the Republicans we grew up around either believe it or they believe there is a sort of both-sides thing. What’s worse, they don’t believe it.


They are looking for any excuse to justify their actions, which I believe they already know in their heart is wrong.


Meacham believes that traditional Republicans who back Trump are aware that their actions are wrong, but have deluded themselves into believing that they were doing the right thing.


Do you understand any of this? Me, neither.