Chuck Todd, NBC News’ Chuck, and Ron Johnson (Republican from Wisconsin) fought it out Sunday over Hunter Biden.

Johnson was talking about ongoing investigations with Republican Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley to investigate Hunter Biden’s crimes when Todd asked Johnson for details.

Todd stated, “I have yet to see anyone explain.” “It’s not a crime for you to make money from your last name.”

Johnson stated, “Chuck, you should read the Marco Polo Report, which details all types of possible crimes.” The Marco Polo Report is 634 pages and details Hunter Biden’s alleged wrongdoings.

Todd said, “Let me stop here,” and jumped in. “Potential can be innuendo. This is why you investigate!

Johnson asked Johnson, “Chuck. Is it a crime soliciting and buying prostitution in possibly European sextrafficking operations?” Is this a crime? Chuck Grassley, I and Hunter Biden paid about $30,000 to these types of people over December 2018, 2019. That’s about $30,000. This was around the time President Biden offered $100,000 to Hunter Biden’s expenses. That’s not all. It’s not clear if it’s illegal.

Todd asked Johnson if he was “outraged” by Jared Kushner (ex-president Donald Trump’s son in law), who reportedly received an $18 billion loan tied to Qatar while working at the White House.

Johnson stated, “I am concerned about the truth, and I don’t target people.”

“You don’t? Senator, you’re repeatedly targeting Hunter Biden on this show. You are targeting an individual.

Johnson accused Todd then of simply having Johnson join the program to fight alongside him.

Chuck, you know what part of the problem is – and this is obvious to anyone watching this – you don’t invite you on to interview you. I’m invited to debate with you. Johnson stated that Johnson was simply trying to present the facts Sen. Grassley, myself, uncovered. Johnson also noted how the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed in the 2020 election. We don’t have an impartial media, which is why our politics are so heated. We don’t. It’s unfortunate.”

Johnson stated that most biases “occur from the left.”

Todd replied, “Look, you can get back on your partisan cable cocoon to talk about media bias all that you like.” “I get it. It’s part and parcel of your identity.”

Both of them then moved onto other topics.