Conservative Nonprofit Group Takes Aim At Billionaire Quietly Bankrolling Left-Wing Cause

Laura and John Arnold at the Houston Food Bank Gala. Bill Olive Photography 2010.

In a TV ad, a conservative nonprofit organization takes aim at John Arnold, former Enron executive. The billionaire is quietly funding criminal justice reform and a group that promotes the Democrat-led Equity agenda.

Americans for Limited Government released the ad Wednesday, entitled “John Arnold: Fount of Bad Ideas.” The ad warns viewers to watch out for Arnold through Arnold Ventures Limited Liability Corporation. Arnold has used millions of dollars to fund left-leaning advocates for New York bail reform and The National Academy for State Health Policy. This group, which is a nonpartisan healthcare organization, supports left-leaning policies but calls itself “nonpartisan”.

The ad says that America’s criminals have a secret patron, John Arnold. It is currently running in six states. Enron made Arnold filthy rich. It made people bankrupt and turned off their lights. John Arnold isn’t just a financial crook with his dirty money. He’s helping violent criminals.”

The ad continues: “Arnold spent millions eliminating bail cash.” “His policies have been so beneficial for the poor that even New York liberals are trying to roll them back. A career helping crooks. John Arnold now funds radical healthcare organizations. Pay attention.”

According to grant records in the company’s database, Arnold Ventures has donated more than $45 Million to New York-based groups working in criminal justice reform. According to records, Arnold and Laura Arnold spent $40 million on bail reform projects in 2019.

Former New York Governor. Andrew Cuomo, a former governor of New York, signed a 2019 law that removed cash bail from most nonviolent misdemeanor and felony charges. However critics claim that it led to an increase in crime in the Empire State. Arnold Ventures has given $13 million to Vera Justice Institute since 2016, a left-leaning nonprofit that supported the 2019 Cuomo Law.

Arnold Ventures spokesmen told the Washington Examiner that the LLC was a nonpartisan organization seeking evidence-based solutions for America’s most pressing problems.

The spokesman said that “our work often attracts attention from special interest groups who seeks to polarize and divide” “We are grateful to the mysterious donors that have funded this front group. We would like to invite them to come to our offices to have a civil and serious discussion about how we can all work together to make America a better place.

Arnold Ventures donated more than $2 million to Innocence Project. This nonprofit legal group defended Cuomo’s bail reform law, while critics blamed it for the state’s rise in violent crime. Arnold Ventures provided at least $1.6million to the Brennan Center for Justice. This liberal non-profit group and institute of public policy received at least $1.6million. Similar defenses have been made by the center for Cuomo’s law.

The Brennan Center stated in March that there is no direct connection between recent crime rises and the 2019 bail reform law. Data does not support any further legislative revisions.

Arnold Ventures was formerly The Laura and John Arnold Foundation 501(c),(3) until January 2019. It supports a wide range of initiatives including academic research and electoral reform.

According to records, the National Academy for State Health Policy was one of the most prominent healthcare organizations. It has received $7.8 million from Arnold Ventures. According to Federal Election Commission filings, NASHP is seeking to expand Obamacare subsidies. It was previously run by Trisha Riley who, according to records, has donated more than $50,000 to Democratic campaigns over the years.

NASHP calls for the U.S. state government to “advance healthcare equity”. Republicans have criticized health equity as discriminatory because it is often based on mandatory race-based training or affirmative action.

Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, said in a statement that “Americans For Limited Government will continue alerting the American people about Arnold’s misguided million on radical ideas.”

Arnold Ventures has given $8.5 million to New Venture Fund over the past year, according to records. The New Venture Fund, which is a nonprofit 501(c),(3) group, is the largest in a network managed by Arabella Advisors, a Washington, D.C. consulting firm that has been called a “dark-money” network.