Politico documents show that the Department of Homeland Security is gathering domestic intelligence. Interviews with migrants in migrant prisons and jails are part of this program. DHS employees were concerned that this program might be illegal.

Politico reports that the Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program collected domestic intelligence over many decades. Officials could request interviews with nearly anyone in the U.S., even incarcerated people. Many employees were concerned about the legality of this program. Employees feared that they would be retaliated for speaking out against abuse and poor management. Some employees asked for liability insurance from the DHS.

Politico reports that the program will stop interviewing prisoners in 2022. There are still concerns about the agency collecting domestic intelligence by conducting direct interview with American citizens. Carrie Bachner is a former senior legislative adviser to the DHS Under-secretary for Intelligence. She stated that the program reminded her of previous scandals involving similar efforts by the FBI.

She said to Politico that she did not know of any counsel willing to sign off on such an issue, nor any members or Congress willing to agree. ”

Politico obtained documents that show one employee claimed the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis leadership was “shady” and runs “like corrupt government.”