Don Lemon, who was fired by CNN, showed up in Atlantic City for some “man-on-the-street” interviews regarding the 2024 presidential elections. He was expecting to hear lots of support for Kamala Harris, but he heard something entirely different.

I will spoil the video for you if you cannot watch it. Lemon talked to people who either supported Donald Trump or thought Trump would win despite Harris’ support. Lemon even got into a heated argument with a man who claimed he had made more money before Joe Biden took over.

MAN: It was much better four years ago. I earned a lot more than I do today.

LEMON: You may feel this way, but the facts don’t support it. Biden’s economy has improved.

MAN: (Laughter)

LEMON: I’m not kidding, this is what the facts prove.

MAN: Do You watch CNN?

LEMON: It’s not because I watch CNN.

It takes a certain amount of arrogance to tell someone that they are doing better than Joe Biden, but that the man is just too ignorant to realize it. What is in someone’s account is what it is. National statistics do not reflect individual results. But even if they did, wage growth during Biden’s tenure has not outpaced inflation.

Here’s a second exchange with a man of color on the boardwalk.

LEMON: Trump vs Harris?

MAN: Trump.

Who will win the LEMON?

MAN: This is who’s going to win.

LEMON: What are your views?

MAN: Trump is my favorite. It’s unfair that all the people who came to this country legally are allowed in. Have you been to San Diego? They’re coming right off the boat, the water, from the ocean. Did you know Biden flew them in? Did you know Biden flew them in? Did you not know?

Fair enough, he was a bit off with his estimate for those who are let in illegally each year. This is not good news for the border. I’m assuming he meant 10,000 per day. This has happened many times during Biden’s tenure. We’d be happy with 10,000 to 20,000 people a year.

Lemon ends the segment by complaining about having to leave Atlantic City. This is a good indication that things did not go according to plan.

What does this all mean? I don’t know. It’s like trying to predict an upcoming election by counting yard signs. Asking random people who are walking down the street to vote is not a scientific method. But it’s funny when a leftist talks to real people and ends up getting more than what he bargained for.