Kamala Harris, who had been insisting for weeks on rule changes to the upcoming debate, finally gave in on Wednesday. ABC News’ original rules for both candidates will remain in place, including the muted microphone setup that Joe Biden first requested.
The Harris campaign sent out a letter to announce its decision to withdraw. Her constant crying of defeat is what’s interesting. It sounds as if she doesn’t think that she will do well, and has a long list of excuses.
New: Kamala Harris campaign has just accepted in a letter to ABC News the rules of next week’s debate against Donald trump, including mics being muted when it’s not a candidate’s turn to speak, per person familiar with debate negotiations.
That had been the final hang-up.
— MJ Lee (@mj_lee) September 4, 2024
More from Harris campaign letter to ABC News:
“Notwithstanding our concerns, we understand that Donald Trump is a risk to skip the debate altogether, as he has threatened to do previously, if we do not accede to his preferred format. We do not want to jeopardize the debate.”
— MJ Lee (@mj_lee) September 4, 2024
How can Harris be “fundamentally disadvantaged” if she has complete control over the floor whenever a question is asked? This is a ridiculous statement. It is not a disadvantage to avoid interruptions during a discussion.
Harris wanted to start a food war because she thought it would help her. It was also to have another “I am speaking” moment. She used this line on Mike Pence in the 2020 vice-presidential debate. A source inside the campaign said that this wasn’t all she had in mind.
Her team is admitting openly that she was looking for that I’m speaking moment. pic.twitter.com/6LQ4YGrkD1
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 4, 2024
For Harris’s conversation with the Supreme Court Justice in 2018, one must go back to understand the context. The then-senator was embarrassed when she asked Kavanaugh who he knew in a law firm during a hearing.
The whole exchange was fabricated. Harris’ questions were not a part of the truth. There had been no conversation. She made up the whole thing to try and bait Kavanaugh. She failed to do anything significant, but she made it up as a way to bait Kavanaugh.
All in all, Harris’ request for unmuted microphones wasn’t just about her hoping Trump would interject. She wanted to interrupt him. Harris wanted to engage Trump in a back-and-forth where she could play the role of a prosecutor by asking him yes or no questions about loaded accusations. Harris is upset that she can’t do this because the microphones are muted. Her campaign continues to complain about it in the letter.
Harris’ team is in a panic without that distraction:
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 4, 2024
Do you mean Harris may have to talk about her views instead of hiding behind viral videos? Oh, the horror.
ABC News must correct the lie that Trump threatened not to show up. The Trump campaign accepted the rules from the beginning and never threatened to not show up if they were muted. They said that the rules had been set and should not be changed. They stayed with that argument and won. Harris was the one who desperately sought a reason not to have to debate. Trump refused to take the bait and now Harris is stuck.