The assassination of David Dorn (a retired St. Louis police officer Captain) was one of the most shocking and sad moments of the BLM riots that took place in the summer of 2020.

David Dorn (77), a retired St. Louis police officer, was attacked by looters as he defended a St. Louis pawn shop owned by a close friend.

The St. Louis Dispatch:

The Ethical Association for Police, representing St. Louis’ black police officers, has expressed sorrow over Dorn and called him “the kind brother that would risk his life to save them.”

Flowers and a teddy bear sat outside the shop next to a handwritten sign that read, “Y’all killed a black man because ‘they’ killed a black man??? Rest in peace.”

Diane Davis was a Dorn friend and sent the flowers on Tuesday. He was described as a father to many. She stated, “He was kind, great, and is greatly missed by many. ”

Dorn was in the police force for 38 years. Ann, his wife, is a sergeant in the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.

What made it even worse was that his murder was filmed on Facebook Live, with a young man pleading with him on the sidewalk not to die and then chastising the looters that they would kill him just to steal some TVs.

While we were shocked at the crimes that struck St. Louisans in the past, we also noticed the reluctance of the national news media to cover the story.

Ann Dorn the widow of Captain Dorn gave an emotional speech at the RNC Convention in August 2020.

Shortly thereafter, I was invited to attend the Ann Dorn St. Louis March For Peace.

This terrible crime has finally been solved. Stephan Cannon was convicted by a St. Louis jury of David Dorn’s murder.


Cannon was found guilty Wednesday on charges of first-degree murder, first-degree robbery, first-degree burglary, and three counts of armed criminal action. He is scheduled to be sentenced in the case on the morning of September 13.

Defense attorney Brian Horneyer said he will file an appeal on behalf of his client. If that is denied at the time of sentencing, he plans to seek a retrial.

Cannon, a Glasgow Village resident, was arrested just days later and charged with Dorn’s murder. A second man, Mark Jackson, was charged with second-degree murder, first-degree robbery, first-degree burglary, stealing $750 or more, and three counts of armed criminal action. At least four other people have been charged in connection with looting the business.

Deliberations began shortly after 12:35 pm. Both defense and prosecution agreed to remove one male juror for the sake of a woman alternative for unspecified concerns.

A charge of stealing $750 or more was dropped against Cannon during a recess earlier in the morning, and jurors were notified of the change when they received instructions from the judge.

The jury delivered its verdict just before 3:45 PM.

Following the verdict, Ann Dorn and two of Captain Dorn’s daughters shared their feelings on the verdict outside the courthouse.