Jacqui Heinrich Uncovers Shocking Plot: Afghan Migrant Planned Election Day Terror Attack


Fox News is not popular with conservatives, but its White House reporters Peter Doocy, and Jacqui Henry are among the few journalists who try to hold the Biden/Harris Administration accountable for their misdeeds. They don’t hesitate to take on White House officials when it comes to issues of national security that matter to Americans.


Nasir Tawhedi was arrested recently in Oklahoma on suspicion of planning a terrorist act for Election Day. Heinrich has pursued the case of the Afghan migrant, Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, who was arrested in Oklahoma for planning a terrorist attack on Election Day. She had a heated argument with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas last week over the issue. Mayorkas rudely redirected the questions that she asked him.


Heinrich was particularly interested in whether the would-be terrorist had entered the country under the Special Immigrant visa (SIV) as claimed by the Biden and Harris administrations. The question was why Mayorkas DHS claimed that the terrorist entered the country on a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) while the State Department said otherwise.


What? Per Heinrich, the administration lies:


NEWS: Biden-Harris admits now that an Afghan national accused in a plot to terrorize an election day did not pass certain vetting. Previously, they claimed he had. Nasir Ahmed Tawhedi never received approval or vetting by the State Department to be granted special immigrant status (SIV), despite claims from officials of other agencies.


Heinrich added, “Nasir Ahmed Tawhedi’s security role in Afghanistan with the CIA was not known to the US Government when it facilitated his arrival to the U.S.



This story is troubling for many reasons. Not the least is the fact that it confirms Americans’ worst suspicions that the Biden and Harris administration is at best incompetent, at worst malicious. The media thinks they can lie about security issues like a terrorist attack planned on U.S. territory by a man who should never have been allowed into the country. Jacqui Heinrich is the only journalist who has tried to hold the administration responsible for this obvious failure of national security measures. It should be noted that these measures are designed to keep American citizens secure.


How many Nasir Ahmed Tawhedis, currently unvetted, are hiding in the United States and planning similar attacks, is the big question. The Biden-Harris Administration’s inability to manage border security issues makes it impossible to know. One observer said on X, “We are only surviving on the luck of God and grace at this point.” “This is madness.”


You can read the entire post by Jacqui Heinrich without clicking on X.


NEWS: Biden-Harris admits now that an Afghan national accused in a plot to terrorize an election day did not pass certain vetting. Previously, they claimed he had. Nasir Ahmed Tawhedi never received approval or vetting by the State Department to be granted special immigrant status (SIV), despite claims from officials of other agencies.


Sources familiar with the investigation have told FOX that Nasir Ahmed Tawhedi, despite playing a security role for the CIA in Afghanistan, was not known by the US government at the time the administration facilitated the man’s departure to the U.S. FOX learned that Tawhedi worked as a guard for a small company outside the base’s perimeter. He was not among the best-vetted U.S. partners.


This news contradicts the claims made by officials last week, that Tawhedi had been vetted at least three times.


Officials have now acknowledged that Tawhedi never received special immigrant status (SIV), a lengthy State Department process that can take many years to complete. State Department officials have maintained that they had no involvement in Tawhedi’s refugee status despite what DHS agents told investigators. This led to the DOJ criminal complaint mentioning it incorrectly.


Biden administration officials explained last week that Tawhedi entered the country first on DHS humanitarian parole, which has its vetting procedure but then applied for SIV, submitting him to a second round of vetting, which he cleared. The same officials have now admitted that the claim is wrong and that Tawhedi never was vetted for SIV.


Officials now claim that Tawhedi underwent recurrent vetting’ as part of Operation Allies Welcome, his DHS humanitarian parole. But this raises new concerns.


DHS has stated repeatedly that Tawhedi was thoroughly vetted and no red flags had been raised. However, three sources have contested DHS’ claim.



DHS Inspector General Report 2022 states that DHS failed to provide any data or evidence in support of its claim that “recurrent screening processes were established for all Afghan evacuees on parole for the duration of their parole period”.


In the report, it was also revealed that DHS admitted evacuees or granted them parole who had not been fully vetted. This occurred in many cases due to inaccurate, incomplete, or missing information.


The DHS OIG audit of 2022 revealed that 417 records were missing a first or last name, 242 had a name withheld, and 11,110 had a date of birth recorded as “January 1.” Additionally, 36.400 records indicated “facilitation documents” as a document type, and 7,800 records contained invalid or missing numbers. CBP didn’t keep a list of individuals who were paroled or admitted to the country without proper ID.


CBP initiated recurrent vetting for Operation Allies Welcome pardonees before they arrived in the United States. CBP provided biographical data collected during the initial screening process to the National Vetting Center and designated Vetting Support Agencies, which are external to DHS. This information was used for recurrent checks against classified information held by the NVC and VSAs.


DHS said in its final report for 2024 that “recurrent vetting at the National Vetting Center is active and ongoing” for all OAW parolees. However, the agency also told FOX that “Vetting was a point-in-time check that evaluated the information that the U.S. Government had available at that moment.”


DHS states “If individuals have entered the United States and are later associated with information that indicates a potential concern for national security or public health, DHS and its federal partners will investigate and take the appropriate actions in line with our mission to protect the homeland.”


The investigation is still ongoing to determine if Tawhedi became radicalized in the U.S. or before he arrived.