After months of backstabbing and leaks by angry staffers, Vice President Kamala Harris is now launching a frenetic office staff shakeup. Four top Harris staffers are expected to leave her office in less than a month and will be looking for better career opportunities rather than being tied back to the VP.
This follows a series of leaks by White House staff that indicated Harris’s workplace environment was abusive. Others have claimed Harris was the victim of administrative sabotage as she tried to succeed President Joe Biden 2024.
Harris will need to find new aides for the staff who have left the office of the vice president. A Harris confidant adds that if she can’t choose her own people or have a lot to say in choosing her own people, then “she is fu****.”
Harris may not be innocent of office infighting, but that is not the case for everyone. Gil Duran, a former Harris aide, stated that Harris is at the heart of the abusive workplace environment. Office turnover is part of the “same old destructive patterns. ”
Duran said that Harris would pray for the next group of talented staffers who want to work in the office of the vice president. He asked who the next talented individuals she’s going in and burning through and then having them pretend that they’re retiring for positive reasons. Harris seems to rely on her support staff to elevate her status.
A former employee said it was clear that she is not working with someone who is willing and able to do the work. Kamala has to endure a lot of heart-breaking criticism and her own lackluster confidence. It’s clear that no one wants to support a bully. Others have suggested that the White House is aware of the abuse and is working with the Biden brigade to address it.
A Dem close to Biden said that there are some improvements that need to be made at that office.
Different people with inside information have defended Harris’ workplace environment as “doing the job” of the vice-president,” Karen Finey, a Dem strategist, said it is the job to get the president’s agenda through to represent the United States and repair global alliances.
Another Dem strategist excused Harris’s workplace abuse as a result of media obsession with her. Harris’s Jamaican and Indian intersectional characteristics are constantly cited.
The person said this goes back to the original discussion on how the team can build the office in such a way as to meet the demands of the media corps in this environment.