Majority Say The Economy Is The Top Issue Determining How They Will Vote In Midterms


A Redfield & Wilton Strategies survey revealed that most people believe the economy is the main factor in deciding how they will vote in midterm elections.

Respondents were asked to answer a question: “Which issues most likely to affect how you vote in November 8th 2022 Midterm Election?” They could choose up to three answers from the list.

The economy topped the list with 61 percent identifying it as the most likely issue to influence how they vote in November.

Healthcare was second with 31% naming it their top issue. With 27 percent, abortion came in third. Next was immigration (22%) and government spending (20%). The environment (20%) and policing (crime) (19%). Housing and homelessness (16%) and taxation (18%) were the next three. Education (13%) and election integrity and voter fraud (11%). Finally, foreign policy and defence (10%) was the last. Other issues did not score double digits.

Both Trump voters (77%) and Biden voters (55%), cited the economy as their top concern.

But, only 40% of Democrats voted for abortion as their second most urgent issue while 42% of Republicans voted for immigration.

The same survey showed that Biden’s approval rating for the economy was also low at 26 percent. 50 percent disapprove. This gives him a net negative rating, -24 percent.

This survey was conducted among 1,500 eligible U.S. citizens on June 15, 2022. It comes at a time when Americans are still facing skyrocketing inflation and continued economic woes. The U.S. inflation rose to 8.6 percent in May — a 41 year high. Gas prices continue to smash records. They reached an all-time high of $5.016 regular gas on June 14, breaking new records. Diesel reached $5.816 on Sunday, another record-breaking high.